[ 6 ] Her Passion and Downfall

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Sanyu opens her eyes as sunray disturbs her sleep and glanced at the window. She averted her gaze toward her husband and run her fingers through his hair. She pecked his lips then his nose and kissed his both eyes.

"What are you trying to do my little mischievous wife?" He asked without opening his eyes and tightening his grip around her waist.

"Uh.. uh... you're my husband and I can do anything to you." She replied placing her lips on his right cheek and kept there for some time.

He suddenly flipped them and come over to her opening his eyes and she wrapped her hands around his neck.

"And what will I do with you?" He asked biting her nose and she giggled.

"I'm yours to do anything." She replied pulling him closer and he buried his face in her neck.

His fingers worked on her shirt's button and one by one opens all of them. He lifted his head and sided her shirt a bit revealing her beauty. She closed her eyes tightly and bites her lips in shyness. He grasped her breast and kissed her chin.

"So beautiful and only mine." He whispered kissing her throat and she hugs him.

He kissed her neck and rolled on his side with her.

"Don't worry. I won't do anything now. We still have a long way to go." He said caressing her back and she smiled snuggling her face in his neck.

They spend some more time cuddling and talking about random things. He learned about her passion for interior design but her uncle stopped her studies and that made him angry at her uncle more.


Two Days Later

Sanyukta enters the study room and stood in front of him. He sensed her presence and looked at her with a neutral face.

"What's this?" He asked forwarding her a file and she took the file.

It's collections of her documents and record sheets. Tears rolled down her eyes and she started sobbing badly.

"Damn it... what happened, Sanyukta?" He asked shockingly and she moved back away from him.

"I'm so.. sorry. I'm sorry." She cried collapsing on the couch and curling up in the ball.

He quickly rushed to her and took her in his arms while she cried in his arms.

"Baby, why are you sorry? I'm sorry for scaring you." He said rubbing her back and she sobbed hard.

"No, don't scold me. I tried hard but I couldn't get 99.00%. I'm sorry." She said crying and he got shocked hearing her words and then broke the hug.

"Why would I scold you? I'm so proud of you, baby. You got 97.57% and it's the best score for me. You're so intelligent and hard-working." He said wiping her tears and she hiccupped a little.

"But uncle said it's not a good score. He said I wasted his money and electricity. That's why he stopped my studies." She said through her tears and he shook his head negatively.

"No baby. Don't think about that man anymore. You made me proud and I want you to continue your study. I had already done the process and now you just have to sign some papers." He said kissing her eyes and she held his hands.

"You won't be mad at me if I study more than you? You won't be mad at me if I become more successful than you? You won't be mad at me if I become richer than you?" She asked innocently and he chuckled.

"I won't be ever mad at you. Never ever. And you're already rich. I want you to become more successful than me. I don't want people to know you as only my wife. I want you to create your own identity with my surname." He said kissing her forehead and she placed her head on his chest.

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