[ 10 ] Mom and Embarrassment

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Randhir stands on his spot like a statue watching the woman working in his kitchen. For the first time in these years, he was nervous to get into his own kitchen. He took a deep breath and slowly walked into the kitchen while avoiding her gaze but she notice him.

"Randhir son, you need anything?" Renuka asked confusingly.

"Uhh... no... I mean yes. I.. I'm here for water." He replied looking everywhere but at her.

She grabs a bottle from the fridge and gave him which he gladly took it.

"Just give me a call if you want anything." She said thus he nods his head and she engrossed herself in work.

He stood there and drank water then placed the bottle on the slab.

"You need anything?" She asked again without lifting her gaze.

"No, I mean no. What are you making?" He asked hesitantly and she smiled and looked at him.

"I'm baking cake for Riya. I baked every year for her." She replied smiling at him.

"You also baked for me and it's always delicious, Mrs. Shekhawat." He said with a shrug and she widened her eyes.

"You ate?" She asked not believing his words.

"Yes. I don't like wasting food so I always ate and also I like homemade food." He replied casually.

"Thanks." She said trying not to cry and continued to make the batter.

"Do you need any help? I can help you." He asked thus she gave him the bowl of batter.

"Here, mix the batter. I'll get some nuts and fruits. Is it ok with fruit cake?" She asked as he started mixing the batter.

"I think yes because I have order unicorn cake for her birthday party." He replied stirring the batter and she chopped some fruits.

"Great. Oh no, I forgot to buy cherries. She loves cherries a lot." She said panicked.

"Mom, don't panic. I'll just ask someone to buy." He said pulling out his mobile and calling Jorden and asking him to buy cherries.

Renuka was fluttered by him calling her mom which was obviously she knew by mistake or out of habit he did it. He certainly didn't mean that word.

"He will be here in some minutes. Let's continue with what we are doing." He said bringing her back to sense and she nodded her head.

After an hour they finished baking the cake and he helped her in garnishing the cake.

"It's done now. You go back to your room till then I clean this mess." She said tiredly and he chuckled.

"You're already tired. Come, the maids will clean this mess." He said dragging her out of the kitchen and she sighs.

They walked to the room silently and stood outside of her room.

"Thank you for helping me, son." She said giving him a smile.

"No problem. You need rest now." He said turning to go toward his room but stopped and looked at her.

"And I mean it when I said mom to you." He said kissing her right cheek and sprinting to his room leaving her in utter shock.

She pinched herself but felt pain which means it was not a dream. She enters the room and closed the door still in shock.

"Sweetheart, what happened?" Harsh asked holding her by the shoulders.

"He.. Harsh... he... Harsh... Randhir..." She tried to speak but tears rolled down her eyes.

"Sweetheart, tell me. What happened? Did he say some hateful words to you?" He asked worriedly and she smiled at him through her tears.

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