[ 15 ] Outburst and New Member

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Sanyu was in her room while Randhir was out for some work. There was a knock on the door and she opens the door.

"Parth..." She cheered happily and welcomed him into her room.

"Hi Sanyukta, how're you?" He asked as they sits on the couch.

"Happy. And you?" She asked back.

"Good, I guess. So you did get married?" He asked fisting his knuckle.

"Yes, three years ago. I don't want to get married but my uncle got me to Randhir and now here I am. I'll be always thankful to my uncle for getting me married to him. Uncle got me married to the best man of the earth." Sanyu replied happily.

"And what about me?" He asked in a hard tone.

"What about you, Parth? I don't understand." She asked back confusingly.

"You promised me that we'll get married when we grow up and now you got married to someone else. How could you?" He shouted clutching her arm tightly thus she winched in pain.

It was the first time she was getting abused after three years. Three years ago, her uncle and family used to hurt her but after getting married to Randhir; she didn't receive a single scratch from anyone. Accidently she used to collide or fall but not purposely.

"Pa.. Parth... you're hurting me." She cried trying to come out of his grip.

"And what about you? You also hurt me by marrying someone else. Why did you break your promise?" He asked angrily and tears rolled down her eyes.

"I.. I did not b.. broke it. We were kids at that time." She said crying and struggling under his tight grip.

"No, it's a fair promise. You broke my heart. You broke our promise." He said greeting his teeth and suddenly felt a hard tug thus taking him away from her.

"Get your fucking hands off from my wife," Randhir said punching him s face and grabbing him by his collar.

"Randhir... no..." Sanyu come forward and stopped him.

He leaves him and grabs her arm to check her and his blood boiled even more seeing the bruise on her arm.

"Get out of the room." Randhir snapped at him and Parth went from there not before glaring at him.

Randhir also went from there and come back with ice in a bowl. He locked the door and sits beside her on the bed. She was still crying and thinking about what had just happened to Parth.

"It's ok, sweetheart. Stop crying." Randhir said pulling her in his lap and started brushing ice on her bruise.

"What happened to Parth? Why did he behave like a jerk?" She asked sobbing his arms and he sighs in disbelief.

"Let's not talk about him now. Keep quiet." He replied softly and she hides her face in his neck while he continued to brush ice on her bruise.

After a few minutes, he asked her to go to the bathroom, and later he joined her. They were in the bathtub and she was laying between his legs.

"Feeling better now?" He asked rubbing her arm and she leaned into his touch.

"Thank you for always making me feel better." She replied kissing his chest.

"I want an honest answer from you. Do you love Parth?" He asked tracing his finger on her cheek and she looked in his eyes.

"I love him but he is only my friend. I don't love him as I do to you. I can't live without you." She replied kissing his forehead and he kissed her nose.

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