[ 8 ] Planning and Confession

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Mr. Cole and his assistant enter his cabin and they glanced at the woman in his lap. He smirked before taking a seat in front of him.

"I never knew Raindheer Sing Shikawat kept his whore with himself all the time." Mr. Cole said coy smile.

"If you fucking want this deal then shut your fucking mouth. The woman you're talking about is my wife. Eyes up here." Randhir snapped angrily and he averted his gaze from her.

"I'm sorry." He mutters audibly enough to him.

The meeting ended in two hours and Mr. Cole went from there. Randhir looked down at his little wife and rubbed his thumb on her cheek. He loved holding her in his arms and the way her soft breath was hitting his neck was tickling him. He knew they had 11 years of age gap but he was too selfish to let go of her and had no intention to let go of her.

"Sweetheart, wake up." He said blowing air on her face and she snuggles herself in his arms more.

"Come on, baby. We need to go home." He said brushing her hair and she slowly opened her eyes thus he kissed her nose.

"You're so handsome." She said holding his face and kissing his lips.

Taking a chance he entered his tongue into her mouth and tasted every corner of her mouth. She just pulled him more inside her. The passionate kiss became a wild one. After some time they broke the kiss due to the lake of oxygen and rested their foreheads together.

"I want to so take you right now." He whispered huskily and she widens her eyes.

"Really? Where?" She asked desperately and he slapped his own forehead mentally.

She is aware of sex but she is very new to some words and that is evidence of her innocence. Just then door burst open and his father walked in with Riya in his arms. Sanyu jumped out of his lap and he stood up seeing him.

"Ronnie... Angle..." Riya said running to them and he quickly hopped up to her in his arms.

"Look who do we have here? It's a pretty princess." He said kissing her cheek and she giggled loudly.

"I and Renuka are going to a party tonight. And the babysitter also won't be coming tonight. So I hope you wouldn't mind seeing her?" Harsh asked hesitantly.

"Of course not, dad. I would love to take care of her. I'm already taking care of one kid and I wouldn't mind having another one." He said with a smirk thus Sanyu frowns at him.

"Alright, then I'll see you tomorrow." Harsh laughed existing from there.

"What do you mean by another one? And where is your first baby?" She asked angrily and he chuckled pulling her closer.

"You're no less than a baby." He said kissing her cheek and she twisted her lips.

"I'm not a baby. It just... you're a big man." She said with a pout.

"I am pwincess." Riya interrupted them and he laughed.

"Oh yes, you're the princess. Let's go home. I need to take care of two babies. It's going to be a long night." He said with a fake sigh just to irritate Sanyu.

"I'm not baby." She said annoyingly.

"Keep on saying, baby." He waved his hand at her and she grabbed her bag and went from there leaving him alone.

"She is angwey." Riya clapped her hands and he tickles her waist.

"We will give her chocolate." He winked at her and she giggled.

He comes out of his cabin and enters the elevator. After a few minutes, he walked out of the elevator and reached his car where she was already sitting in the car with a foul face. He sits beside her and Riya crawls in her lap. Sanyu held her in her arms and avoids him.

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