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chapter two: natural

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chapter two: natural.

"So you just got done beating Nate's ass, and you finally spoke to Jules?" Melanie questioned the two who now sat in the car. Right after Ash told her they had to go, they both sat in the car waiting for Fez and Rue to come back to the car and Rue had basically explained everything the second she got in the car. "Yup." Rue held back her laugh, she had already been in trouble by Fez earlier that night for laughing at things that weren't funny.

Melanie kind of knew why Fez had to beat Nate's ass, but she didn't know why he had to do before count down, it was honestly the only part she was looking forward to, but it meant nothing now that she had to sit in the car while the countdown happened. "When we get home put some ice on your hand. Fucking hell, Fez. Did you know about this?" She asked her little brother who drove the car, they both had their license, but Fez always made Ash drive when it came to something like fleeing away.

Ash only shook his head as he continued to drive, Melanie slumped back into her seat and put on her seatbelt. "At least turn the radio up." Melanie spoke, Fez slightly did, she may have been sweet, but when she was upset she was mean. Both boys always knew not to make her more mad than she was, mainly because they didn't like seeing her upset. "Thank you." She said as she looked out of the window, humming along to the radio.

The next day she got a call from Rue telling her to get ready. She was confused to why Rue was in such a rush, but she quickly got dressed into a crop top, sweat pants, a zip up sweater, and some Air Force 1's. As she walked out of her room, she smiled at the sight of her little brother watching tv. "Hey, Ash. Is Fez asleep?" She questioned, all he did was nod. "Tell him I'm out with Rue if he asks." Melanie said. "Don't be doing shit Rue would do." He spoke up, finally. "You're telling me that? I'm seventeen years old, not seven. And I can make my own decisions." She walked over to him, pushing his head as usual. "Why you always doing that shit, Mel? Ima fuck you up." Ash said. "Yeah? Try growing a little first." She challenged, but she knew that Ash could beat someone's ass no matter what height they were, besides, she was only three inches taller than him.

"Fuck you!" Ash called as she walked out of the house. "I love you too!" She called back as she stood outside, holding her phone to her ear, letting it ring.

"Hello?" She could tell Rue was of out of breath. "The way you told me to be ready and to be outside made it seem like your were already here." Melanie scoffed. "Okay, listen, Riding my bike isn't easy, you know? Then next you gotta get your ass on my bike too? Calm your ass down, I'm almost there. I didn't think you'd be ready in time anyway." Rue spoke. "Well next time just tell me to get ready then call me when you're outside." Melanie said as she entered the apartment again.

She hung up and walked over to the fridge, skimming through the things they had. "I hope you know I ate that shit you brought from the diner." Ash called from the living room. Her eyes widened as she looked over to the boy. "You little shit, you knew that was mines—now you're just asking for me to beat your ass, huh?" She groaned, Ash only laughed. "My bad, you took forever to eat it." He said. "And so what if I did! It was still mines! Do we at least still have pizza rolls?" She asked. "Yup. We do." He said and she groaned slightly at the thought of having to eat pizza rolls instead of food from the diner. But there was no point, Rue had already called her telling her to come outside before she could even make some.

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