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chapter twenty-two: the note

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chapter twenty-two: the note.

"You guys did great today, just focus more on how to bring the lines to life." Lexi said and the cast nodded. They had two more weeks until the play and Lexi was a nervous reck. "Lex, stop worrying. I can tell that you are just by looking at your face." Melanie stated and Lexi sighed. "I know, I just want everything to be perfect." She admitted. "And it will. I promise you, everyone's working super hard." Melanie pulled her into a side hug. "Do you think it was wrong for me to give Ethan all those rolls?" Lexi asked and Melanie quickly shook her head. "I don't mean to tell his business, but he's been through a break up and I truly believe that all these rolls are taking his mind off of things and keeping him occupied. And he's doing pretty damn good if you ask me." Melanie explained and Lexi smiled. "You really know how to talk someone down from overthinking." Lexi laughed. "I try. Now, do you wanna come over for a bit. We can talk about the play, watch a movie, and you can have time to flirt with Fez." Melanie said making Lexi's eyes widen.
"Melanie!" She said. "What? You act like you guys aren't practically dating." The brown girl said and Lexi sighed. "Let's just go." Lexi held back her smile as she shook her head and walked away. Melanie grabbed her back with a smirk as she followed after Lexi.

As Melanie walked up to the door she furrowed her eyebrows at the sight of a paper taped to the door. She quickly snatched it off and unlocked her door, Lexi followed behind her just as confused. "Fez! Ash! Did y'all not see this on the door?" Melanie called out and got no response. "Faye?" She called. "Where are they?" Lexi asked worriedly. "I don't know, I'm about to text Fez, though." Melanie said as she held the paper in her left hand and grabbed her phone from her back pocket with her right hand.

She quickly unlocked her phone and went to her messages. The girl's body relaxed once she noticed the unread message from Fez.

"They're working at the store today." She sighed as she rubbed her face. "Shit. I almost had a heart attack with you." Lexi said making the brown girl laugh. "Alright, I'm gonna read this note.." Melanie's smile dropped as her eyes read over the paper, Lexi noticed this. "What's wrong?" She asked as she walked over to Melanie. "It's my parents...they're talking about taking me back or some shit, what the fuck.." Melanie was concerned for her safety but also confused. She handed the paper to Lexi, letting the girl read over the paper. "You should take this to the police." Lexi said worriedly.

"Oliver..." Melanie thought out loud. "Who?" Lexi squinted her eyes. "Officer Oliver was the one who helped me get rid of my parents the first time they were here. Maybe if we go to the station..I could turn this in and see if he can do something about this." She said and Lexi nodded. "Yeah, that's a far walk though, so if you wanna go-we should go, like, right now." Lexi said. "I'll call Elliot and ask him to give us a ride." Melanie said as she walked over to the kitchen, placing her things down on the table and dialing her boyfriends number.

She placed her phone on her ear, holding up her shoulder to make sure it was holding the phone as she opened the fridge. "Hey, Lanie." She smiled at the sound of Elliot's voice. "Hey, Elly. Can you possibly take Lex and I to the police station?" She questioned. "Yeah-are you okay?" He asked, now growing concerned. She could hear him moving as he spoke. "Yeah, my parents taped this note on my door and they're threatening to take me or some weird shit-and I just wanted to show Oliver, you know the officer that helped me last time?" She explained. "Uhh-yeah. I'll be there in five minutes. Stay safe, please." He said, this made her smile. "I will. See you in a minute." She said. "See you." He said and Melanie hung up.

"He's on his way."


Melanie, Lexi, and Elliot all walked into the police station awkwardly as they noticed a bunch of police officers walking around, talking on phones, etc.

Melanie grew nervous. "You know, maybe I should just wait it out, my parents probably won't actually do anything right?" She asked the two. "Wha-no? Mel, we came this far and we can't just let them slide with that creepy ass note!" Lexi said and Elliot nodded. "She's right. This shouldn't be a false alarm, let's ask for officer Oliver." He said as she intertwined their fingers and pulled her along to the front desk, Lexi smiled at the two as she followed behind them.

"Hi, is officer Oliver here today?" Elliot asked the officer at the front desk. "Yes, he is. He's right down here, the second to last office on the left." He spoke and Elliot nodded, pulling his girlfriend along. "See, it was that easy." He smirked. "Thank you, sir." Lexi said as she followed after her friends.

Once the three made it to the office, Elliot knocked on the door, awkwardly looking around. "What do I say?" Melanie whispered. "Just tell him about the note, I'm sure he'll remember your face." The boy squeezed her hand. She nodded as the door opened.

"Hey..officer Oliver." The brown girl said awkwardly. "Melanie Porter, right?" He asked and she nodded, relieved that he even remembered her. "Um-so I got this note from my parents. It's threatening if you ask us..and I want you to take a look at it." She explained, the officer looked at the two other teens, they nodded along, agreeing with what Melanie.

"Come in, I'd like to see the note." He opened his office door more. Melanie gladly followed after him, with her hand still in Elliot's. She placed the note on the man's desk, watching as he grabbed his glasses and started reading the note.

Lexi stepped beside Melanie and placed her hand on the girls shoulder. "You're doing great." Lexi whispered and Melanie smiled. She truly appreciated Elliot and Lexi in this moment.

"You do know that threatening notes like these can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. Your folks can be locked up for three years for this." Oliver spoke as he held up the note. "So, what should I do?" She questioned. "For the most part, I don't know if what they're saying is true, but you can always get a restraining order, I know that probably won't do much because we don't possibly know what they're capable of. So I want you to stay cautious while I look into this more, alright?" He asked and the girl nodded. "I'll get back to you, soon. I'll have officer Marshin keep look out." He said.

This made the girl feel relieved, Oliver was truly a good person.

edited: yes😭 her parents mean absolute-jack shit-NOTHING after this chapter💀

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