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chapter twenty-one: best friend

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chapter twenty-one: best friend.

The two girls sat at the diner table staring at their menu's silently. "So, what have you and Elliot been up to?" Rue finally spoke, after she found what she wanted. "Nothing really. Just the same old things-besides making out and sex." Melanie shrugged, Rue laughed. "Too much information.." Rue stated and Melanie only laughed.

"Let's not talk about Elliot. It's our night out." Melanie stated, Rue and Jules both always asked the girl about her and Elliot's relationship ever since they've started dating, she knew that the girls wanted to know that everything was going fine, but she didn't want to always talk about the boy with them. "Right, so I've been absolutely bored." Rue shrugged. "Okay, we'll tomorrow we should try going to-holy fuck there's nothing to do out here. What should we do?" Melanie asked. "W-wait, we're hanging out tomorrow too?" Rue asked. "Yeah, is that bad? Do have to do something tomorrow?" Melanie asked and sue quickly shook her head. "No, I just wasn't expecting you to be free on Tuesday." Rue said. "I'm not free until six in the afternoon because of the play, but I still wanna do something with you. Do you think something would even be opened?" Melanie asked.

Rue thought about it for a second before a smirk replaced the confused look on her face. "There's this free aquarium. People say it's boring but so what, it's fucking free." Rue said and the girl laughed. "They have a free aquarium that I didn't know about?" Melanie asked shocked. "Don't worry, it opened up like four days ago." The girl shrugged and Melanie nodded, watching as the waitress walked towards their table.

So the two girl ordered and talked about nonsense until their food came. Melanie had been holding back on asking about Jules. She knew that Jules cheated on Rue and that couldn't possibly have ended well, but she still wanted to know how Rue was handling it. When Jules and Melanie would hang out Jules would always ask about Rue. Rue on the other hand acted as if Jules didn't even exist.

Fuck it.

Melanie thought as she took a sip of her water.

"Have you spoke to Jules yet?" Melanie blurted. Rue furrowed her eyebrows as she quickly shook her head. "I haven't even spoken to Elliot yet." The admitted. "Does it matter who you speak to first?" The girl asked and Rue shrugged. "I don't plan on speaking to Jules..I don't think I can forgive her." Rue admitted and Melanie nodded. "And you feel the same about Elliot?" Melanie felt bad for asking these questions but at the same time she was curious. "I don't know, I'll speak to him soon." This made Melanie smile softly, hoping that maybe her, Elliot, and Rue can all hang out again, like old times. It would've also been easy on her.

"I'm sorry." Melanie sighed as she placed her fork down and looked up at Rue. "For what?" Rue laughed awkwardly. "For-like, completely ditching you. You're my best friend and I've been gone recently. Rue, you're clean and I should be here supporting and cheering you on like I always said I was..and I just left you." Melanie explained. The guilt had been getting Melanie every time they hung out, and since she made Rue speak up about Jules, she wanted to speak her truth. "I just feel like a dick. You spend one day out of the week with me when we go to the same school, remember when we hung out everyday? Things has changed and I'm just hoping that our friendship gets back on track." Melanie finally looked up at Rue to seeing tears falling from Rue's eyes. Both girls knew that Melanie was right.

They used to spend every day together and now they spent barely a day together. "So, we're on for that aquarium tomorrow at seven?" Rue changed the subject as she wiped her tear. Melanie only smiled. "Hell yeah. You know where to meet me." She spoke as she grabbed her fork and began eating again. Rue only smiled at the girl.


Rue hugged her best friend tightly as they made it to Melanie's door. "Thank you for the free ride." Melanie laughed and Rue shrugged. "It's all I know." She said and Melanie nodded. "True. I promise you that I'll get a bike or a car one day." Melanie held her finger up. "You said that last year." Rue deadpanned. "A girl can dream, buzz kill." Melanie scoffed, making Rue smile. "True."

As Melanie opened her door, about to go in, Rue stopped her. "Wait-I-never mind.." Rue started, this gained Melanie's attention as she stepped back out. "No, what is it?" She asked, curiously.

The girls eyes started to water as she pulled Melanie close, hugging her tightly. "You know I love you, right?" Rue asked, Melanie nodded. "Yeah, I love you too, Rue. You're my best friend." Melanie said. "I'm sorry. I just felt like I've never told you that and I know everything's been hard for us." Rue spoke and the shorter girl nodded. "Yeah, I know." Melanie hugged her tighter. "I'm so fucking glad that you're my best friend." Rue laughed, the shorter girl laughed along. "I'm so glad you're my friend too."

Edited: yesss (i didn't double edit this so pls excuse my mistakes if there is any-same with the other chapters after this) 😩 (I just wanted to let y'all know that rue wasn't abandoned y'all💀)

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