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chapter three: alone together

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chapter three: alone together.

Elliot and Melanie both laid on his bed while passing the blunt back and forth. Elliot laid on his back, looking up at Melanie as she laid on her stomach, perched up on her elbows.

"You're crazy for that." Elliot chuckled. "No im not! She deserved it—and she swung first, but that was the first time I've ever beat someone's ass and didn't get in trouble for it." Melanie said and they both laughed. Melanie was telling him about her first fight which happened in seventh grade after a girl ruined her painting on purpose in art class. Of course she didn't get in trouble for it, Fez was happy knowing that she could protect herself, thanks to him teaching her the basics. "How did you not get in trouble?" He asked. "Well at school, I got suspended, but my brother didn't care. He was proud of me for sticking up for myself." She shrugged. "So your brother is your guardian?" Elliot raised his eyebrows in amusement, he noticed how she'd always say 'her brother' and never her parents. Besides, he liked talking to Melanie, and getting to know her more. "Yeah, my parents were bad people, we got evicted because they weren't paying rent nor keeping the apartment clean. So we were living an alley way, and around a month later he took me in—and basically adopted me. Fez is basically my big brother." Elliot's eyes widened. "Oh, the dude who beat that tall guys ass at the party?" He laughed, Melanie covered her face, holding back her laugh.

"Yeah, that's him." Melanie didn't understand why it felt so easy to open up to Elliot, maybe it was because he had opened up to why he was living with his cousin, Monae—or that he didn't judge her. Either way, Elliot felt the same about her and they were both opening up to each other.

The two grew into a comfortable silence as they continued to past the blunt back and forth. "What's the apple for?" Melanie randomly questioned as she now laid on her back beside him. "Huh?" He looked over at her. "On your face. What does it mean—if you don't mind me asking." She spoke. "Oh, it's for my little sister. Her nickname is Apple." He smiled softly, Melanie could feel her heart melt. "That's sweet." She hummed.

Before Elliot could respond, Melanie's phone started ringing. She groaned as she grabbed her phone and looked at the ID caller. "Oops." She muttered for groaning once she saw who called. "Hey." Melanie said while staring at the boy's ceiling, Elliot turned to look over at the girl, staring at her side profile as her lips curved into a smile. "Dude, we've been waiting on your ass for like an hour." She laughed, Elliot assumed that she was talking to Rue since that's who they were currently waiting on.

"What?" The brown girl furrowed her eyebrows. "Okay, we'll be waiting." She hung up the phone and turned towards Elliot. "It was Rue. She said she's on her way— she said something about her mom? But she's coming right now." Melanie spoke and Elliot nodded.

Today was their last day of Christmas-to-New Years break and they'd shortly return to school to next day. Melanie would usually be dreading to go back, but Elliot said that he was officially going to East Highland which made Melanie happy. She honestly loved being around him.

The girl stood up as she walked over to his vinyls and started looking through them. "Hey, what was that song you were working on yesterday?" She asked and Elliot sat up, looking at her. "Umm, socks." He answered as he grabbed his guitar. "Oh yeah, you should finish writing it. I kept singing it all night, it's so fucking good." She laughed, this made Elliot smile, he barely played people the songs he wrote but he did for Melanie and he didn't regret it.

"Really?" He cocked his head. "Yes, really. I need the full song. I can't keep singing the first verse." She joked as she sat back down. "Alright, when I finish the song, I'll either call you to come over or I'll send you the track." He shrugged. "How about both, you can call me over and send me the track, so when I leave, I can listen to it on repeat." Melanie said. "Deal." He said and she smiled. "Deal. And by the way, you need to start making music more besides selling stems online. Yeah, selling stems is cool and you get your money, but your voice is so..calming and really good. I like it a lot, and I'm pretty sure others would enjoy hearing your voice too." She said.

Elliot admired how honest she was with him, he loved how kind she was. For the past few days, she's been nothing to nice to him.

"Thank you." He smiled at her and she smiled back while shrugging. "It's whatever, it's the truth." Melanie said.

Melanie was proud of herself for coming out of her shell, she wasn't the type to be alone with someone she barely even knew, but for some reason, here she was hanging out with a boy she's only known for three days. She enjoyed his company and Elliot enjoyed her company, if anything, they both loved being alone together.

a/n: idk his cousins name so she's going by Monae😭 lmfao
edited: yes🫶🏽

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