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chapter eight: apology

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chapter eight: apology.

"And she has a fucking girlfriend." Melanie cried quietly as her head laid in Faye's lap while Faye removed Melanie's makeup. "That's so fucked up." Faye softly rubbed her girls face with a make up wipe. "I know, a-and I really like him-and I was beginning to forgive Jules. Now I feel like everything is fucked up." She admitted. "It may be fucked, but at least you got to slap her." The blonde shrugged, Melanie laughed a little. "True..but I feel like an idiot. He kissed me, the day before he kissed Rue, and slept with Jules. So I thought that maybe, just maybe, I had a chance with him. He's such a good guy but he does dumb things sometimes, and now I wanna beat his ass." She sighed as she closed her eyes.

"You can always tell Fez." Faye spoke softly as she removed Melanie's false eyelashes that were already falling off because of her tears. "I don't want to. I don't want Fez to beat him near to death like he did Nate." Melanie said. "You should." Faye muttered. "Yeah, but it's not like we were in a relationship to begin with, I was just, kind of led on-I wouldn't even call it that because I was high and it probably meant nothing to him." She sighed. "You can't keep blaming yourself, Melanie." The blonde spoke as she grabbed another make up wipe and started removing Melanie's eye make up. "I'm not trying to. I just tend to when I'm upset." The girls grew quiet as Faye continued to take off Melanie's make up, then she applied moisturizer.

"Promise you won't ever tell Fez or Ash." Melanie sniffled as she held up her pinky. Faye smiled softly, it was like having a little sister that she's always wanted. "I promise I won't tell." She said as she locked their pinky's.


Now Melanie was worried about two things. One being why Rue hadn't answered any of her calls-or why she hadn't shown up at school yet. The second was running into Elliot, she wasn't ready for his apologies, or to even look at him. Friday night was a reck, she was embarrassed for crying in Faye's lap for an hour, so Saturday morning, she tried calling Rue. What Melanie didn't know is that the morning she called Rue to tell her what happened, but Rue was too busy running all around town nearly breaking every bone in her body. And by the time Rue was in her house trying to sneak drugs from her grandma's room then getting dragged out by Fez, Melanie wasn't even awake to see it go down. Then Sunday, she spent her time trying her best to ignore Elliot's text messages and missed calls.

Melanie was so out of it, she just wished things could go back to normal even if it had only been two days without her friends. It didn't feel the same when she spent the weekend at the store because she was usually over at Elliot's. And she wanted nothing more than to be over at Elliot's instead of hearing her siblings ask her what's wrong because it was hard hiding her feelings from them. The girl didn't want Fez and Ash to find out the truth then lash out on Elliot. Either way, here she was, walking down the hall with her head nearly down just because she didn't want anyone asking her what was wrong.

She made it to her locker, grabbing her things. "Melanie!" She turned around to see Kat. "Hey, Kat." She smiled softly. "Hey, so how did Friday go? Did you tell him?" She wiggled her eyebrow. "N-no I didn't. Something went wrong, it ended with me slapping a girl and me pushing him-I should've punched him." Melanie pursed her lips and Kat grimaced. "Fuck, I'm sorry." Kat placed her hand onto her shoulder. "It's fine. The only thing that sucks is that my dumb ass still likes him. Not only that, I don't know why I'm trying to avoid him when I have three classes with him." Melanie mumbled as she closed her locker. "Yeah, that probably sucks." Kat said as they walked down the hall. "So, I was thinking that maybe if you've had such a shitty weekend..we can maybe hang out? I know we barely hang out, but I was hoping that we could try?" Kat asked and Melanie squinted her eyes. "I'd love to. When do you wanna hang?" Melanie asked as they stopped in front of their shared home room. "Possibly tomorrow?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm not busy, so of course. Just text me the info of everything else." It was like Kat knew Melanie needed someone in her life right now.

It was hard having two brothers when it came to talking about girl stuff, and Faye was sweet, but she just didn't fully understand what Melanie was going through. So Melanie was grateful that Kat had offered to hang.

Second period came around faster than she liked, knowing that she had to see Elliot made her a little nervous. Of course the girl told herself not to worry about him, act like he didn't exist. But it was hard when his seat was right next to hers. She hated that this was their assigned seats. The teacher had made the 'if you sit there for your first day back, those are your assigned seats' rule.

There was a couple of minutes left until the bell rang so she as she sat down and pulled out out her phone.

"Melanie." She stared at her phone, trying her best to ignore the boy next to her. "Can you just listen for one second, you don't even have to speak to me after this-just please, listen, Lanie." Elliot spoke lowly, making sure that people students who were also sat and waiting could not hear him. "Fine, what could you possibly want?" She sighed. "Can we talk in the hallway, just for a second." He said, the girl rolled her eyes as she stood up, walking out of the classroom.

Elliot walked after her. She stood by the door, avoiding eye contact with him. "I know I really fucked things up in between us. And I know that you probably hate me now, but I just needed to tell you that I really like you. Yeah, this is a horrible time to tell you that, but I only did what I did because I tried to forget about the way I feel about you, cause I don't wanna ruin our friendship. It sounds childish but I just can't stop thinking about you-about our kiss, that's if you actually remember." Elliot said. "How could I forget it? It's not like we drank alcohol then we blacked out-Elliot, you didn't even speak to me the next morning after we kissed." She scoffed. "I know, I'm just not good with my feelings. Look, what I'm trying to say is that I like you so much, and I've never felt this way for anyone before-like, ever. I'm not even used to confessing my feelings like this-but I can't stop thinking of you. And you can hate me all you want, you don't have to ever talk to me again if want, but I just want to know how I feel. I apologize for ruining everything." He admitted, and right on cue, the bell rang and she walked right back into the classroom.

"Fuck.." Elliot sighed as he walked back in.

Edited: yes🫶🏽.

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