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chapter twenty-five: maybe things do get easier

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chapter twenty-five: maybe things do get easier.
the last chapter

Melanie groaned at her phone for dying right as she went to call Fez. It was Sunday afternoon, and she was out to get her some things for today with Lexi who gladly tagged along.

Today was Melanie's birthday and she desperately wanted to look somewhat good since she had done her hair and makeup. So Lexi offered to go with her to the mall and help pick her out an outfit. After the girl found her outfit she bought some jewelry along with it and changed inside of the fitting rooms.

Now the two were calling to get picked up, but it was taking a little longer than Melanie liked.

"My phone died." She looked over at Lexi. "Want me to text him?" Lexi asked and Melanie nodded. "Yeah, please tell him to hurry. I'm still on edge about my parents." She admitted. "Shit, I forgot about that-" before Lexi could finish her sentence the sound of a car horn made them look up. "Look, he's right on time." Lexi smiled, making Melanie laughed. "He's lucky." She stated as the girls both got up and walked over to the car.

On the way home, Lexi nervously texted the group chat that excluded Melanie. Melanie noticed how unsettled Lexi looked. "You alright, Lex?" Melanie asked. "Uhh, yeah. It's Cassie. She's being weird again." The brunette quickly came up with a lie. "I'm sorry...I can always call her to see if she wants to talk to me so she won't always bother you." Melanie shrugged. It was easy for Melanie to dislike the girl after what she did, but to hate her? Never.

"No, it's good. I'll just tell my mom." Lexi shrugged as she spam texted the group chat one more time before placing the phone in her lap, watching as they arrived to the apartment.

Lexi quickly got out. "I have to pee super bad." The girl sure did make awkward lies up, but they worked. Melanie only laughed at the brunette who ran ahead to the door, quickly opening and running in. "When will you ask her out?" Melanie nudged her older brother. "Soon, now stop askin' cause today is your day, Mel." He said and she only smiled and nodded. "Fine." She said walking ahead.

Fez quickly took his phone from his pocket and went to his camera to start recording his little sister, following after her as she walked through the door.

"Surprise!" Her friends yelled in unison. The girl jumped back as she covered her mouth. "What the fuck!?" She gasped, they all laughed at her as the music started to blast throughout the house.

"Happy birthday, bitch!" Maddy said as she ran up to Melanie and hugged her tight. "Mads! I missed you." Melanie said as she hugged her back. Maddy quickly pulled away from the hug and looked at Melanie. "Sorry for being a dumbass and ghosting you. I promise I won't do it again." Maddy spoke. "Girl, we both went through some shit at the same time, if anything we ghosted each other-but look at us now." Melanie shrugged, Maddy only pulled her back into a hug.

After their interaction Melanie went around hugging her friends. Maddy came, Kat, Bb, Rue, Jules, Ethan, Elliot, Monae, Bobbi, and obviously Fez, Lexi, Ash, and Faye were there. It was a small party with the people she cared the most about and she was happy to see all of their faces. She even appreciated that her friends put all the drama behind them just to come to her party.

Lastly, she walked over to Elliot, holding him tightly. "I can't believe you're all here." She said into his shoulder. "Of course we're here. I definitely had to be here, I couldn't leave my girl alone on her birthday." He said, Melanie's face flushed red. "I love this, when did you guys have the time to do this shit?" She chuckled. "Fez planned this all yesterday night. When Fez gave you money to go to the mall we all rushed in here and helped decorate. That's why Fez was taking a little long, and Lexi kept texting us what you were up to so we'd know if you guys were coming home or not." Elliot explained and Melanie's eyes widened. "No fucking way-you guys are so annoying, but in the best way." This made her boyfriend laugh. "I'm glad you like it." He said, before speaking in. "We all have a gift for you-they rather wait, but I'm impatient so I rather give you mines now." He said and she rolled her eyes playfully as he pulled her along.

They walked towards her room and Elliot stood by her door, opening the door for her, watching her reaction as she stood in the doorway.

On her bed was a beige acoustic guitar with a red bow on it. "Now I can teach you how to play and we can play together. Besides you said you'd learn how to play it like a pro in a year, so I'll be the judge of that." Elliot smirked. "Oh fuck off! You thought you were so cool." She laughed, the boy only laughed with her. "Thank you, baby." She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him. Elliot wrapped his arms around her waist, deepening the kiss. After a couple of seconds they pulled away, still looking in each other's eyes.

"I love you, Lanie. I really do." Elliot admitted, he didn't know where it came from, but it slipped. Melanie could feel her stomach drop as her face got hot. "I love you, Elliot. I really do." She mocked, Elliot smiled as he pulled her into another kiss.

"Where the fuck is Melanie?!" Melanie pulled away from the kiss, laughing at the sound of Bb's voice over the music. "Come on, let's get back to the party. You can teach me guitar lessons later." Melanie pulled the boy by his hands.

Melanie's spent the rest of her day with her family, having a good time, smiling, dancing, and yelling over the music. She didn't care if they were gonna get a noise complaint, no one did. They were just happy to be together.

"Is that Ash smiling for once?" Melanie teased as she sat next to her little brother. "Shut up, Mel." He couldn't hold back his smile. "You should smile more, Ash. You actually look sweet." She said as she wrapped her arm around his shoulder and kissed his forehead. "Happy birthday, Mel. I love you." Ash rolled his eyes. Melanie only smiled widely. "Thank you, Ash. I love you!" She called as she stood back up.

She had to do one more thing before it hit midnight.

She walked over to the closed door, quickly going in before anyone could see her. She walked over to the unresponsive lady and smiled sadly.

"Hey, grandma. I'm eighteen now." Melanie spoke as she held Marie's hand softly. "I remember Fez telling me you were the party type of woman, so I'm gonna go out there and enjoy myself even more just for you." The girl said. "These past few weeks have been batshit crazy-and I mean crazy. But today has been the highlight of everything. I didn't think things would get easier, but maybe things can get easier? I hope they'll get easier." Melanie placed the woman's hand down softly.

"Mel! It's almost midnight we gotta sing happy birthday, where are you?" She heard Faye's voice. "That's my cue. I'll update you tomorrow. By the way, Elliot told me he loved me today." Melanie spoke as she exited the room. "There you are, come on, pretty!" Faye cheered as she grabbed the girl's hand and dragged her into the kitchen.

Melanie's day ended with her loved ones singing happy birthday while she awkwardly stood there, Rue made jokes about it which caused everyone to laugh as they tried to sing, Melanie flipped Rue off which made people laugh even more. After they finished, Melanie made a wish for everything to get easier for everyone who stood in the house right at that moment.

Edited: yes🫶🏽

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