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chapter twenty-four: pretty crier

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chapter twenty-four: pretty crier.

Melanie's hands were shaking even though she was only on the stage for about ten seconds while the crowd applaud for the cast. She jumped up and down with Lexi as they stood back stage. "Holy fuck! I feel so-I don't know!" Lexi said and Melanie pulled her into a hug. "You did so good, Lex." She said into her shoulder. The girl pulled away and Melanie smirked, noticing her brother walking over to them went the bouquet of roses and his note. "I'll talk to you in a second, I just have to go back to the dressing room to get my purse." Melanie said and Lexi nodded. Melanie watched as Lexi soon noticed Fez and covered her mouth in awe. The brown girl only laughed as she walked over to the dressing room seeing the cast speak to each other excitedly.

Melanie was super excited, of course, but she was still filled with anxiety for some reason.

As she grabbed her purse she noticed the cast all leaving the dressing room. The girl sighed as she sat on the chair, looking at herself in the mirror. There was no point of make up. So she grabbed the make up wipes from her purse and begin to take off her base. Her concealer looked horrible, even after she tried fixing it up. She shook her head in disappointment at herself as tears began to fall down her face once again.

Why? Why now?

The girl thought to herself as she continued to remove her base.

"Lanie, I was looking for you..what's wrong?" His voice made the girl jump as she continued to remove the make up from her face along with her unwanted tears. Elliot came and sat next to the girl, placing his hand on her thigh. She quickly placed her hand over his. "I'm just overwhelmed, that's all." She shrugged. "Because of the play?" He asked and she shook her head. "Well sort of-it's just, some crazy shit popped off at home before leaving and my mind is basically torturing by replaying it, but with the worst outcome. I know that everything's alright now. I'm just a little shaken up." She explained. "You wanna talk about it?" He asked and she shook her head. "Maybe later..I just want everything to get easier. It's so fucking annoying when everything goes well, then everything goes downhill..then I'm crying about it to you like you're my fucking therapist or something." She said. "At least you're a pretty crier." Elliot said and she laughed, wiping her tears.

"I hate you." She smiled as she rest her head onto his chest, his thumb mindlessly traced small shapes on her thigh. "I hate you too." He chuckled. The two grew quiet, they were just holding each other.

"Thank you for listening to all my bullshit." Melanie spoke up after a few seconds. "It's not bullshit. It's your life, Lanie. And I'm lucky to even be in it." He said and she smiled. "You know how to make feel like every thing is gonna be alright. Thank you, Bob Marley." Elliot rolled his eyes playfully. "That was a bad joke." He said. "It wasn't!" She said a she lifted her head off his chest. "No it was. That was a two out of ten joke." He teased. "Fuck off." She laughed.

"Hey, lovebirds." They turned back to see Rue. "Rue!" Melanie quickly stood and and pulled the girl into a hug. "Hey, Mel-were you crying?" The tall girl asked. "Yeah, a bit. But I'm better now, I promise." She stated and Rue nodded. "We're gonna talk about it later, but Fez told me to tell you two to come on. We're going to pick up Ash and Faye then we're heading to the diner for a celebratory dinner." Rue smirked. "Fez is paying?" Melanie asked and disbelief. "Yup. Just know I'm ready right now." Rue stated. "Is everyone going?" Elliot asked. "Just me, you, Mel, Ash, Faye, Lex, and Fez. Now come on losers." Rue said as she walked away.

Melanie smiled and turned back to her boyfriend. "I'm so glad that you two talked things over. I hated choosing in between who I wanted to hang out with." Melanie said, Elliot walked over to the girl, pulling her into a kiss, she smiled into the kiss as she ran her fingers through his curls.

"Let's go before everyone yells at us." Melanie said as she grabbed his hand and pulled him along.

Edited: YESSSS

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