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chapter sixteen: you guys make a great pair

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chapter sixteen: you guys make a great pair.

"No. Fucking. Way." Melanie's words were muffled by her hand that was covering her mouth in disbelief. Lexi had just told the girl about how Cassie was sleeping with Nate since New Years. The topic had started with Melanie asking Lexi why Cassie wasn't home in the girls shared room, and Lexi had revealed how Cassie and Nate slept together, some shit went down, then a couple days later, the blonde girl had got up and left. "Damn it, I feel so bad for Maddy. I haven't really been texting her since shits been going down for me too." Melanie stated as she sighed. "Yeah, it was a lot. I feel bad too." Lexi said.

It was more understanding to why Cassie was acting the way she had been when she at Maddy's birthday party. She understood why Maddy hadn't called to go to the mall like they usually did-or why Kat didn't text her to make new plans. It all made since, but the girl just couldn't believe that she was just finding all of this out now.

Melanie looked over at Lexi smiling softly. "Sorry to change the subject, but how are things with you and Fez?" Melanie smirked as she laid on her stomach, watching Lexi who now was blushing. "Its going good." Lexi laughed softly. "Good in what way? You can't just give me a bland answer, girl." Melanie said as she laughed. "Fine!" Lexi said as she flipped on her back, staring at the ceiling. "Its going great, honestly. We talk everyday, he tells me about the things he likes and love. I tell him about the play and all that..I love talking to him." She said and Melanie smiled at the girl. "I've been hearing your voice on speaker quite a few times. He smiles every time you talk too. I think you two are the cutest." Melanie admitted, making Lexi's stomach flutter as her face flushed red. She had never felt this way about someone before, but she liked it.

A smirk grew on Lexi's face as she turned to Melanie. "What about you and that blonde hair guy. What was his name again?" Lexi asked, Melanie laughed. She remembered that Elliot didn't remember who Lexi was, and now Lexi was doing the same thing. "Elliot." Melanie said and Lexi nodded. "Yeah, how are you and Elliot?" Lexi asked and Melanie shrugged. "Things took a turn after we kissed-not in a good way either." Melanie started. "Oh, I'm sorry-I didn't mean to-" The girl cut Lexi off. "No, you're good. We're still friends and all. We agreed to remain friends, it felt like a good decision at the time but I honestly hate it. I like him too much, I spend almost everyday with him and I just wish I could stop my stomach from fluttering when he compliments me-or when he holds my hand. Its just the little things that makes me dislike being around him." She smiled at the thought of his face.

"So you guys kissed-but something went wrong but you're still friends?" Lexi asked and Melanie nodded. "Yeah. We're working on it..I don't know what that means exactly, but he doesn't mind me being over at his house all the time, we're pretty close if you ask me. Everything with him is different in so many ways, but like in a good way, you know?" Melanie asked and Lexi nodded. "I think he likes you. I always see you two together at school and he's always staring at you, in a cute way." Lexi said, Melanie thought back to what Kat said on Maddy's birthday. "Kat said something like that before, I just don't wanna bring it up to him because we just made up-like, two weeks ago." The girl explained and Lexi nodded. "I hope you guys really figure it out because you already make a great pair." Lexi said and Melanie scoffed. "Says you! I think you and Fez make a great pair. You both compliment each other's personality." Melanie teased as she nudged the brunette. Lexi only thanked the girl and laughed at Melanie's teasing face.

"You know, we should do this way more. I like talking with you." Melanie said and Lexi nodded. "I totally agree. I feel like I don't have friends, but I always do when we talk..am I weird for that?" Lexi asked, and Melanie's face scrunched up as she grimaced. "Very weird." Melanie said; watching as Lexi's face dropped in disappointment. "Lex! I'm kidding! You're not weird at all. I love hanging out with you and I hope that we continue to hang out with each other-besides you're gonna be my sister-in-law so we gotta start somewhere." Melanie teased. "Stop!" Lexi laughed, Melanie only smiled.

edited: yes. just a filler chapter 🫶🏽

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