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chapter fourteen: stressed

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chapter fourteen: stressed.

Elliot had been stressed than usual, all you could hear from his room was the guitar. He played whenever he felt like it, but now he was playing out of stress. Melanie hadn't texted him back like she said she would and he kept telling himself it was because she was busy. But a little thought in his head told him it was because she disliked him now. No matter how much she clarified that she didn't hate him or that she wasn't mad anymore, he still felt like she was. They both seemed to overthink when it came to each other.

He had told himself multiple time to not think about it, but that's all he kept doing. It got worse when he finally settled down for bed, his mind kept roaming and made him feel ten times worse.

She hates me.

She probably can't stand looking at my face now.

Why'd you have to fuck everything up?

Fuck! Just give up...

I like her too much to give up.

She's the only one who believed in me, and I fucked it all up like a dumb ass.

He was snapped out of thought at the sound of someone knocking on his window. He was so deep in thought that he forgot to close his blinds so whoever was at his window could probably see him shirtless. The boy leaned up, looking through the window, his eyes widened as the rain poured down on Melanie. Elliot quickly opened his window letting her in. "Hey, Elly." She shivered as she sat on the windowsills, being sure to quickly take off her shoes and toss them on the side of his bed. She then quickly stepped off his bed so it wouldn't get wet. "Why don't you have on a jacket?" He laughed. "A whole bunch a shit just went down-and I had to come over to tell you." She smiled softly.

The girl called Rue and told her about what happened with her parents two hours ago. Then Melanie remembered that she told Elliot that she'd text him back but never did. So she had a spontaneous idea to run over to his place, but it backfired once it started raining.

"Well, let me get you some clothes first." Elliot said as he walked over to his closet, grabbing a shirt and sweatpants and tossing them over to her, which she gladly caught. "Thanks-can I have a hoodie too?" She shivered as she removed the cold wet tank top from off her body. "Uhh-yeah." Elliot stammered as he took his eyes off her chest. She laughed at his awkwardness as she put on his shirt and started removing her pants. "Im sorry that I just dropped by like this-but its Friday night, you don't mind right?" She smirked playfully as she put on his sweatpants. "No, I don't mind at all." He said as he threw her the hoodie. "Thanks-oh fuck me, my hair is ruined." She realized that her hair was now soaking wet. It took hours to flat iron it just for it to be ruined two days later. The girl groaned at the thought of dealing with her hair later as she put on the hoodie, making sure to keep the hoodie on so that his pillows remained dry.

"Lanie, get under the covers if you're still shivering." Elliot laughed as he got back in bed. She gladly engulfed herself under his covers, smelling his scent. He smelt like a sweet, not too strong cologne and weed, she loved it. "You smell so good." She laughed. "Thanks." Elliot laughed along. "Okay, I'm sorry, I just have to warm up-I'll tell you the story and you can gladly kick me out after it." She smiled at him as they faced each other. "No, you can stay, only if you want." Elliot said and she nodded. "Yeah, I'll text Fez later, I'm too cold to get my phone from my pants pocket, my phone is probably soaked-that's not the point..sorry I'm rambling, it's something I do when I'm nervous-and cold in this case." She said and Elliot only smiled at her.

Melanie was unintentionally cute to Elliot, she was innocent in a way that he couldn't quite explain.

"Here, let me help." He said softly as he grabbing her by her waist and pulling her closer. The girl almost gasped but held it back as she smiled gratefully at him. "Thanks." She spoke softly. After minutes of silence, Melanie started to explain how her parents were at the apartment trying to desperately get her back but Oliver, the officer, had gladly helped her. She was just confused to why her parents suddenly showed interest in getting her back.

"I wonder what all of this was about..it was weird seeing them for the first time in forever today, but I guess that helped me realized that I really don't need them." She said as her head rested on Elliot's chest, they unintentionally got closer but didn't mind since they were comfortable. "Damn. I fully understand why you didn't text me now, I was stressed while playing my guitar-thinking of shit. But I'm glad that you're okay and that everything's fine." The boy smiled at her. "You were stressing? About what?" She questioned. Elliot avoided eye contact as he spoke. "I was stressing because you hadn't texted me back." He laughed at himself. "Wow, you're so whipped." She teased and he rolled eyes playfully. "Yeah, I'm so whipped." He agreed sarcastically.

"You have no reason to be stressed. I promise you I'm still by your side."

edited: YUPPP🧍🏽‍♀️

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