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chapter twenty: casting

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chapter twenty: casting.

Melanie held her laugh in as she took pictures of Elliot. It was nine in the morning and she had been the only one awake-Elliot wasn't necessarily awake or sleep. He was in between speaking to Melanie and snoring every once in a while. "Are you still taking pictures of me?" He mumbled as he turned away from the girl. "Yeah, you said 'go ahead' I thought you were awake?" She raised her eyebrow. "I am." He yawned, but his eyes were still closed. "Yeah, whatever you say, love." Melanie spoke in a horrible British accent, Elliot groaned. "Why do you have so much energy?" He questioned. "I don't know." She shrugged. As she now scrolled through Instagram.

The girls eyebrows furrowed at the sound of a knock on the door. "I got it." She muttered to Elliot as she removed the covers off of her.

Now Elliot knew about her brothers being drug dealers, and he found it weird that someone was knocking on the door early this morning so this made Elliot also get up.

He stood in the hall, leaning on the wall, watching as his girlfriend opened the door.

"Hey, Lexi." Melanie smiled. "Hi, Mel. I know its super early, and Saturday-but I need your help." Lexi spoke, Melanie nodded. "Okay, so remember how I told you I finished writing the play?" Lexi asked.

The girls both had been texting each other a lot more recently, they were opening up more.

"Well, today I'm casting the play, and its only Bobbi and I. So, I was really hoping that maybe you can help because its a lot of people auditioning at eleven and I need to find the right people as quick as possible because the play is supposed to be in three weeks." Lexi explained, before Melanie could reply, Lexi spoke again. "I'll even put you in casting credits-you can even come and bow on stage when its over." Lexi added. Melanie nodded. "Im totally down! Everyone's asleep and I wanna get out and do something." Melanie said and Lexi smiled. "Yes! I knew I could count on you, that just made me ten times more relieved, thank you." Lexi pulled the girl into a hug and Melanie hugged her back.

"Come in, while I get ready." Melanie said as she opened the door wider for the girl, which she gladly came in. "I'll be as fast as I can be." Melanie said as she nearly rushed to her room.

She jumped as she almost ran into Elliot. "Oh, so you're finally up?" She smirked. "And you were planning on leaving me while I was asleep?" He asked as he followed her into her room. "I was gonna leave a note." She joked and Elliot laughed. "Do you wanna come? I can ask Lex if you can tag along?" Melanie asked and Elliot nodded. Melanie smiled as she walked back over to the living room. "One quick question." Melanie said. "Yeah?" Lexi asked. "Can Elliot tag along? He just woke up and also doesn't wanna be alone." Melanie said. "Wait-he's here?" Lexi's eyes were wide as she asked. "Yeah, he spent a night." Melanie shrugged-soon remembering that she never told Lexi yet.

"Holy fuck-I didn't tell you. Elliot and I are dating-in my defense, it hasn't even been twenty-four hours yet." She said and Lexi smiled widely. "That's fucking awesome-yeah he can tag along." Lexi nodded.


"Next!" Lexi called. Melanie's knee bounced up and down as she watched a blonde girl walk in front of them. "Hi, I'm Maia Berling and I'll be auditioning for the role of Hallie." She spoke, Lexi smiled at the girl kindly and nodded. "Bobbi is going to read Marta's line and respond back as Hallie, alright?" Lexi said, Maia nervously nodded back, before clearing her throat.

"Not only do I look good, I fucking feel good." Bobbi started. "Me too, bitch." Maia responded, Elliot held back his laugh, nudging his girlfriend. Melanie closed her eyes, holding back her laugh as she nudged him back. "So if they got something to say, they should just say it to my face, right?" Bobbi continued. "Or you could just say it to their fucking face." Maia said.

As they continued the script, Melanie paid close attention to the girl's responses and tone, the brown girl honestly though that Maia was doing pretty good.

So after Maia left, the girls wrote down their notes while Elliot quietly scrolled through his phone.

"What is this play about?" Elliot whispered into Melanie's ear. "You'll see when we watch the play." Melanie said as she watched Ethan walk into the room making her eyes widened. "No way." She whispered to herself. "Who is that?" Elliot questioned. "My friend's ex. This will be interesting." Melanie whispered back.

"Im Ethan Daley, and I'll be auditioning for Jake."

Melanie looked over at Lexi before quickly writing down on her paper.

Ethan Daley - as Jake. I say yes.

Elliot noticed and furrowed his eyebrows. "He didn't even start yet." The blonde haired boy whispered. "So what, no one's auditioned for Jake yet and Lexi needs this whole cast by Monday to start rehearsal. Besides, Ethan has been through some shit so why not?" She shrugged, Melanie remembered Kat explaining how she tried to break with Ethan by gaslighting him but he found out that she was, so Kat walked out on him in embarrassment and guilt. It just made Melanie feel bad for the guy.

So Melanie assumed that the past two weeks for him has also been shitty, so why not give him the part? She was apart of the casting team for a reason.

edited: YESSS❣️❣️🫶🏽🫶🏽

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