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chapter fifteen: store

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chapter fifteen: store.

Melanie and Elliot sat in her room scrolling through their phones while smoking weed. It was barely anything to do at Melanie's place over than to listen to music on her phone, bothering her brothers, or smoke weed. "This is why I prefer going to your place, you have a record player, guitar, and a bigger room." She laughed as she looked over to him. "I thought it was because you didn't want me to be around your brothers." Elliot smiled. "No, that was before you met them. It's just because its nothing to do here-oh, we can go open up the store and just fuck around, eat snacks, and help costumers." Melanie said as she sat up, it was an idea, but she'd rather be doing something more entertaining. "Yeah, that sounds cool." Elliot nodded, it didn't matter what they did, as long he was with Melanie he was just fine.

"Great, lets go get the keys from Fez." She said, grabbing his hand. Elliot gladly held her hand as they walked out of her room. He was too focused, smiling down at their interlocked fingers to even hear the girl whisper something as he ran into her back. "What the-" Melanie placed her finger over her lips, whilst her eyes widened as she warned the boy to stay quiet. "What?" He whispered, wanting to know why he had to be quiet. "Fez is on the phone with Lexi." She smiled widely.

Lexi? Lexi, Lexi...I don't think I know Lexi.

He thought to himself as he furrowed his eyebrows before speaking up. "Who's Lexi?" He asked. "Umm, she has brown hair, wears red lipstick? Does that ring a bell?" Melanie whispered back, Elliot still shook his head, Melanie thought about it for a while, she wanted the boy to be as excited as she was right now. "Oh! The one you asked for my address. Lexi Howard." Melanie stated and Elliot's eyes widened. "Oh shit, are they a thing?" He smirked and Melanie smirked back, quickly replying with a shrug.

"I don't know, I think they are. Every time I've come home, Fez is talking to her on the phone for hours. I think it's cute." Melanie explained and Elliot smiled. "Yeah, that's cool." Elliot agreed, making the girl playfully her eyes. "It's not cool, it's cute. And super sweet, I don't think I've seen Fez this happy, it's been a while." Melanie admitted.

Two the jumped slightly at the sound of someone heading towards the hallway. "What are you guys doing?" Faye asked with a smile. "Nothing-I was just showing him around since I forgot to earlier." Melanie lied, Elliot quickly nodded along. "That's sweet." Faye said, noticing their fingers interlocked, and Melanie nodded. "Yeah, I see you're taking out the trash." The brown girl awkwardly pointed to the trash bag that Faye was holding. "Oh yeah, I'm gonna just throw this out right now.." Faye said as she continued her way through the hall. Melanie quickly pulled Elliot along as they walked into the kitchen, seeing Fez eat a bowl of cereal with his phone placed on the table, while on speaker.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt, but I'm letting you know that Elliot and I are opening the store for tonight so you can continue your conversation with Lexi for as long as you want now." Melanie said, slightly teasing her brother. Fez held back his smile as spoke. "Ight, but I want you to close it by eleven. Y'all don't need to be out there late. Ash has the keys." He said and the two nodded. Melanie quickly pulled Elliot along with her as they made it to Ash's door, and she quickly knocked.

"Ash, I need the store keys!" She called and within a couple of seconds the door opened and Ash placed the keys in her hands. "Thank you." She smiled even though he was paying attention to his phone. The girl shrugged as she looked over to Elliot. "Ready?" She questioned. "Fuck yeah." He smiled, she unconsciously squeezed his hand whilst dragging him out if the house. "Can I drive?" Melanie asked while smirking. "Do you even know how to drive?" Elliot asked, making her scoff. "Do I? I was taught at twelve and was a pro by thirteen." She said as she held out her hands for the keys.

Elliot thought about it before taking his keys out of his pocket and placing it in her hand. "Good, lets go." He said, Melanie basically ran to the drivers seat and opened the door.


Melanie sat on top of the counter as Elliot stood in front of the cash register. "So you press this to open it?" Elliot asked as he pointed to the 'cash' button and she nodded. "Yep. You're lucky this is the new cash register-because this one is ten times easier." She spoke as she jumped down and walked over to the chips.

"So all we gotta do is wait until...what the fuck?" She furrowed her eyebrows at the familiar trunk pulling into the parking space. "What?" Elliot turned around looking at the girl. "Nate's here." She muttered as she walked over to Elliot, grabbing his hand. He furrowed his eyebrows at her reaction. "Did something happen between you two?" The brown boy questioned and she shook her head slightly. "I just don't trust him. Some shit went down and he's always out for blood." She braced herself as the tall boy walked through the door, Melanie cleared her throat before speaking up. "Funny seeing you here, I thought you'd never show your face over here after what happened on New Years." She didn't hold back.

"Yeah, I'm just here for some beer. Trust me, I've been through enough." Nate spoke as he opened the fridge, grabbing a case of beer. "What happened to going to the fancy stores on your block?" She furrowed her eyes, the girl wasn't egging him on, she genuinely wanted to know. "I was just taking a drive around, thought I'd stop by. I forgot to tell you on Maddy's birthday that you looked great. You've changed a lot." He said, changing the subject, this made Elliot furrow his eyebrow as he tightened his hand in hers.

"You didn't have to say it now but thanks, I guess." She muttered the last part as she looked over at Elliot. "So, you're her boyfriend? I gotta say that you're a pretty lucky guy." Nate said as his eyes stayed on their intertwined fingers. "She seems like the only sane in her friend group." Nate added. "The only sane one? Come on, Nate, you say that as if you aren't insane." Melanie scoffed.

"I wouldn't call overprotective insane." Nate said as he placed the beer on the counter. "If that's what you're calling it, then you literally are insane-your total is ten-actually fifteen dollars for that mouth on you." She spoke, Elliot only smiled down at her. He hadn't seen her glare at someone as hard as she was doing right now, it reminded him of when he went over to her house and Ash was glaring at him almost the whole time he was there. Nate shrugged as he placed as twenty in her hand before smirking. "Keep the change." He spoke. "Gladly." She said, while giving him a fake smile. "Have a good day." Nate called.

"I will, now that you're leaving." She waved as he walked out. "That was cute. I'll give it to you." Nate winked as he officially left and the girl rolled her eyes. "What a bitch. I can't believe Maddy thinks about getting back together with him all the time. He makes me sick." She groaned as she ran her fingers through her hair, she placed the money in the cash register and walked away from Elliot, going to grab a soda. "What guy assumes that you're my boyfriend then starts to uncomfortably flirt or whatever the fuck that was! If he assumed you were my boyfriend I don't understand why he would say shit like that-" Melanie was cut off by Elliot grabbing her hands. "Calm down, Lanie. Fuck him, alright? You shouldn't let him make you mad over words. You're better than that." Elliot shrugged and she nodded. "You're right. But the next time he comes to this store and says shit like that I'm slapping him." She shrugged.

Edited: YESSSS

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