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chapter nine: promise

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chapter nine: promise.

The next day Melanie didn't bother changing her hairstyle, she rather leave it up in her two braids. She loved not having to do her hair early in the morning, not only that, she'd rather get up and leave. So she put on a blue crew neck with jeans and shoes. The girl didn't bother doing her make up, so she walked into the kitchen, making a bowl of cereal since she had enough time.

"Good morning, Mel." Faye spoke. "Morning, Faye." Melanie said as she sat at the table and started eating her cereal. "How do you feel?" She appreciated Faye for whispering because the girl didn't want Fez or Ash to question what Faye meant by that. "I feel fine, I guess. Yesterday he spoke to me and apologized but I didn't say anything because the bell rang so I just walked into the classroom." She shrugged. "Being without him gives me a chance to come to realization, and I'm realizing that I actually like spending time with him. It feels kinda weird not being over at his house." She admits. "So you want to forgive him?" Faye asked and Melanie shrugged. "Eventually." The girl knew that eventually meant soon, she couldn't go days without forgiving someone. Melanie sucked at taking time when it came to forgiving people.

"You ready?" Fez entered the kitchen, she looked over at her brother. "Yeah." She said as she finished up her cereal, and poured the milk down sink drain and placed the bowl into the sink. "See you later, Faye." Melanie said as she grabbed her backpack that sat next the door, she always left it there.


After school, Kat and Melanie sat in the food court at the mall while talking about the things that had made them upset recently. It was refreshing to have someone to relate to at a time for both of them.

"And it was bad..he knew that I was trying to break up with him, it was embarrassing and I felt bad." Kat groaned just while thinking of what she did the other day. "Kat, you didn't have to gaslight him, I'm pretty sure he would've understood. He's pretty smart." Melanie said and Kat nodded. "I know, I just can't push myself to talk to him." Kat admitted. "That's fine, just let him know that you're sorry one day."

It was like no matter what situation they were going through themselves, they always gave advice to each other. Melanie and Kat only ever hung out when Maddy planned a trip to the mall or something, the girls never hung out on their own until now, so there was still a lot to build in their friendship.

It was around five in the afternoon when the girls decided to head home so they started walking towards the front as they both got themselves an Uber.

"I've actually never done this, but I've heard people say that Uber was somewhat expensive." Melanie said as they sat on the bench outside. "Yeah, depending on how far you go." Kat nodded. "Well, I would call my brother but he's busy-or whatever he said he was doing today." The brown girl sighed as she looked over at Kat. "Wait, Fez is your brother right?" She asked and Melanie nodded. "Yeah." She said. "That makes so much more since to why I've seen him with you a thousand times." Kat laughed. "Before Elliot, I thought Fez was your boyfriend or something..now I just made things awkward." Kat cringed. "No it's fine. People think Fez is my this and that-basically everything. In tenth grade, someone asked me if he was my dad." Melanie said and the girls laughed. "No fucking way!" Kat laughed. "I'm for real. Rue joked about it for a whole week, it was the most annoying shit ever!" The girl said as she covered her face.

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