Cumulonimbus (Scott lang X Reader)

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    Scott couldn’t help but be scared. He was picking Cassie up for the first time from school and was absolutely freaking out.

What if they didn’t let him pick her up? What if she was expecting her mother and got sad? What if she yells stranger danger because she doesn’t remember him and then the cops come and he’s taken back to prison forever?

No, he wouldn’t let his thoughts get him down. It would be the first time he’s seen Cassie since the battle with Darren Cross and it could possibly be the last. Scott sighed pulling himself out of his thoughts and back onto the matter at hand, getting to Cassie’s school. Truth being he had no absolute idea where he was going

After stopping to get directions from a woman who was walking with her child he made his way to the school. It was only then that it dawned on him that he was late.

Cassie’s school got out at 4:25 and it was now 4:35. 

Speeding up a little he finally arrived at the school. It took him a second before he realized that he was going to have to walk into the school in order to get Cassie. 

Taking a deep breath, he got out of his van and headed into the school. 

Walking up to the front desk he was greeted by an older woman with glasses. As she looked up from her computer she smiled at him.

“Do you need anything, Hon?”

Scott smiled back at the woman and looked down the hallway, hoping to see Cassie so he wouldn’t have to interrupt this woman’s work but the hallways were empty.

“Yes, please. I was supposed to pick up my daughter, Cassie Lang, from school today but I got lost and now I’m late. I don’t know where she’d be though.”

The receptionist, whose name he now learned was Linda from the plaque on her desk, nodded her head and looked back to her computer. After a few minutes of intense tying and Scott looking around Linda looked back up at Scott.

“She should be in Ms/Mr. (L/N)’s room. You’ll have to go down the hall, take a right and then the third door on the left. Good luck.” 

Scott thanked Linda and took off down the hallway. He had taken a right when he was supposed to; he just couldn’t remember if it was the third door on the left or on the right. Going with the door he thought was correct he opened the door on the right to find a completely empty room except for a janitor.

Scott closed the door with a skittish smile after apologizing and turned towards the door on the left. The door’s frame was covered in clouds that were decorated with the kids' names and a little drawing. Finding Cassie’s drawing was easy, her handwriting was relatively neat for a nine year-old and an ant was carefully drawn next to her name.

With the door being wide open Scott walked into the room and was immediately greeted by Cassie running up and knocking the air out of him by hugging him. Letting out a chuckle, Scott picked up the young girl and spun her around, only stopping when he heard light laughter coming from the corner of the room.

Putting down Cassie, Scott finally saw you. He was immediately awestruck at how alluring you were. You definitely fit the “5th grade teacher” stereotype.

You had paint randomly splattered on you, your dress/pants were spotted in dirt and what looked to be tomato sauce, and you were carrying books on clouds. Placing down the books and wiping your hand on your shirt you walked up to Scott.

“I’m going to go out on a limb and say that you’re Mr. Lang?” You stuck your hand out and waited for the man to return the gesture but he just stared at you like you had grown an extra head.

Scott realized he had been staring and snapped out of the trance he was in, “Yes, although I would prefer if you called me Scott. Mr. Lang makes me feel like I’m turning 82 and living at a retirement home.” 

You chuckle lightly at his words and look down at Cassie, “Alright Cassie, do you have everything?” The girl nodded her head as you crouched down so you could be face to face. “I’ll see you tomorrow and don’t forget about what we learned today.”

Cassie smiled at you and walked over to get her bag from the cubby but got distracted by something in the process.

“She’s a very bright young girl. She’ll go far in life.“ Scott turned away from Cassie to look at you, as long as she didn’t end up like him he would be grateful. “She works hard and is a pleasure to have in class.”

Scott smiled and sighed, “I’m just glad she’s made friends. I was scared that kids would make fun of her but it seems to be the opposite.” You shook your head and looked at the young girl, who had seemed to be messing around with something in her cubby.

“Okay Pumpkin, we gotta get you home or else your mom will yell at me. It was nice meeting you, Ms./Mr. (L/N). Hopefully we’ll meet again.”

Cassie came back and handed you a paper with a drawing of five people on it. There was her, her mother, who you assumed to be her stepfather, Scott, and apparently you. 

A shocked look came upon your face as Scott questioned what was on the paper. "Can I see-"

You cut Scott off with an awkward chuckle and a smile, "Do you know what Cassie? This is such a beautiful drawing that I think I'm going to keep it and hang it up at home."

Cassie walked over to Scott and grabbed his hands, now antsy to leave the building and return home. 

Scott understood her and turned to leave but not before turning back to you and giving you a smile. 

After you were sure they were down the hallway you let out a sigh and smiled. The blush on your face apparently didn't go unnoticed by the man. 

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