Double engagement (Shuri x reader)

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It was Christmas and you just so happened to be celebrating it with your girlfriend, Shuri, and her family. The two of you had been dating for five years and you finally decided it was time to pop the question, after getting T'challa's blessing of course.

Nakia and Okoye noticed that you were more nervous as of late and cornered you while Shuri was helping to make dinner.

"What is wrong with you? You are nervous, I can feel it."

Okoye was the first to start spouting out questions as Nakia stayed silent. You're left standing there with your mouth open as the two women stare at you waiting for an answer. Closing your mouth you figure it wouldn't hurt anyone.

"I'm going to propose to Shuri and I guess I'm just feeling a little antsy."

Nakia's face lights up as she starts doing some sort of dance and though it's not entirely noticeable a small smile places itself on her face as she relaxes. After stopping her dance Nakia places her hands on your shoulders and lightly shakes you as she decides to start silently screaming.

"Nakia, Please! You have to be quiet or she'll hear you."

She lets out a quiet sorry as she lets go of you and moves next to Okoye, "Does anyone else know?"

You nod your head as you look around the corner to see Shuri still stirring a pot, "I asked T'challa for his blessing and Ramonda was the first one I told when I decided."

The girls nod their heads and Nakia lets out another little squeal and Okoye pushes her back into the dining room. Catching your breath for a second and pulling yourself together you follow the two and help set the table.

It's only when Shuri places a hand on your arm do you come back from your little zone out. Smiling at her you take her hand in your own and place a chaste kiss on her knuckles.

"You're zoning out again, What's wrong?"

Thinking for a second you smile at her, "It's nothing, my dear. Just thinking like always."

Shuri nods as she takes a seat at the table and you join her. The others come in and take seats as you share a glance with Nakia and a smile forms quickly on her face. After dinner is finished you all help clean up and everyone moves to the living room to open presents.

Stopping for a second you glance under the couch Shuri was sitting on like you saw something underneath it, "What is that?"

Looking back at you confused Shuri glances under her feet but doesn't notice the small box you hid under the couch earlier, "There is nothing there."

At this, you stand up and walk towards the couch, kneeling as you pick up the box and pop open the top. The look on Shuri's face is enough to make you laugh as she starts to tear up and you hear T'challa chuckle.

"Shuri Udaku, Will you please give me the honor of being able to call myself your spouse?"

Shuri lets out a laugh as she brings a small box out from behind her back as she also gets down on one knee, "Only If you'll say yes to me first."

Smiling you nod your head yes as everyone else starts to laugh and clap. The two of you share a kiss as you exchange the rings. When you break apart Shuri heads towards Ramonda as you feel a hand being placed on your shoulder.

You turn to see T'challa smiling at you, "Congratulations. If you ever hurt her I will hunt you down and make sure you never see her again."

Letting out an uncomfortable chuckle as you nod your head, "I would never dream of it."

He smiles at you before patting your back, "Good, I wasn't kidding."

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