One|| "you both are forgiven"

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"OLIVIA TIME FOR SCHOOL!" Josie called her daughter from downstairs

"coming mom!" Olivia says before she put her great grandmothers Grimoires into her book bag.

Olivia was planning to make her move with getting her mother back.

She had a smart mind for just a 10 year old seeing as she lost her mother at just the age of 4.

"Hey there kiddo." Matthew says as he walked out of the bathroom.

Olivia glared at him before walking passed him and over to Ellie.

Ellie, also know as her younger sister who was about 5 years old, going onto 6.

"Is everything okay livy?" Ellie asked as she twisted around in her dress.

"Everything is fine el, have you seen Elliot? We need to get going for school" Olivia noted

Ellie frowned and nodded "he's laying down, but mister Mathew offered him a ride.." Ellie explained

"What did I say about getting close to matty ratty?" Olivia raided her eye brow at her younger sister.

Matthew and Josie got together 2 years back and everyone was against it..they just bit their tongues about it.

Olivia..not so much.

"You said not to get close to him or we will get sick and die" Ellie repeated what Olivia taught her

"Do you want to get sick and die?" Olivia asked as Ellie shook her head

"Good because I don't want that either, so stay away from him" Olivia smiled over at her sister.

Josie walked up to the girls "stop that, don't teach her that. Matthew is a nice guy" Josie assured

"Matthew sucks and he's a dick." Olivia says as she put on her fur boats.

"Oooo..liv said bad word!" Ellie says as she covers her mouth.

"OLIVIA!" Josie yelled

"Sorry's auntie Lizzie fault she taught me words like this." Olivia admits trying to get herself into less trouble

"I say it too!" Ellie clapped her hands together.

Josie groaned.

"You got your sister saying all these bad words" Josie shook her head

"I'm sorry mom " Olivia says as she held her hand behind her back

"I'm sorry too mom, please don't be mad at livy !" Ellie pouts

"You both are forgiven" Josie says before she kissed the top of both of their heads

"You have art class today and then dancing with the Mikaelson academy with your uncle Nick, after that we can go on spring break at your mother's side of the family house" Josie added as she fixed Olivia and Ellie book bag.

"Are we going to see great aunt freya?" Olivia asked excitedly.

"Yes we are." Josie smiled before kissing Olivia's forehead.

"Yeah! Yeah! Aunt freya loves to teach me magic!" Ellie excited clapped

Josie made sure to keep Ellie, Elliot and Olivia around their family often because it reminded them that Hope was with them no matter where she went, the twins knew nothing but what Josie told them.

"So when are we leaving for New Orleans?" Olivia asked

"Should be tonight...I want to get started after you get done with your last classes and then we can take a plane down there." Josie says

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