Five|| "What's wrong with livy?"

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Josie raised her eyebrow as she walked down stairs "what are you doing?" Josie asked as she spotted Matthew.

"I was just bringing in some tacos, and then All I see is this rat standing here with the twins" Matthew scoffed

"What's your names?" Hope asked as she crouched down and met with the twins.

The twins looked over at Josie who was shocked. Sure hope was smart but was she this smart?

"I think it's time for you to go" Matthew says as he places the taco bag down.

Elliot and Ellie join hands with their eyes glowing up yellow. "Stop it!" Josie says as the lights started to shake.

Hope tried to break the twins hands apart but she was joined by them. Her eyes glowed up along with theirs. "What's going on?" Josie asked

Hope was able to finally break through from the kids. Hope groaned down in pain as she fell down to the floor. "MOM!" The twins yelled along with Olivia.

Matthew watched the whole thing in fear. He knew what the twins knew and that was not so good for him.

"How about I take the twins and Olivia up to the guest rooms and You figure out what's going on with Hope" Matthew suggested as he scratched the back of his neck.

The twins looked at him in fear "sure thing" Josie says as she walked over to Hope and held her a bit closer to her.

Matthew grew angry and jealous but he couldn't show his character just yet, he had to take care of the twins first. "Come on, come with dada" Matthew says to the twins.

Olivia found it highly disrespectful seeing as he was no where near close to being their dad, but Josie on the other hand was too busy focusing on Hope to even pay attention to him. "You aren't our dad" Ellie muttered as she walked with Livy and up the stairs.


"Hope what's going on?" Josie asked as she cupped hopes face.

Hope shook her head as a tear slide down her face. "Why didn't you tell me?" Hope asked as Josie raised her eyebrow

"Tell you what-"

"Why didn't you tell me that you were pregnant? It all makes sense now" Hope says as she looks over at Josie.

"Hope I... I-"

"I missed over 5 years of their life.. they grew up without knowing me and I-"

"Don't say that.. they do know you.. I made sure of it, they just aren't use to you" Josie says

Hope shakes her head "what kind of mother am I when I only know barely one of them.. this is my fault"

"Hope, you didn't choose to die, it's no way in hell your fault, I just wonder how you are even here, me and freya tried everything to bring you back and you are just now being able to come back.. it just doesn't make sense" Josie explained

Hope looked down at her fingers "it was Olivia.. she brought me back, the only problem is she used dark magic, that's why me and the twins are eyes glowed up, it showed me everything I was missing.." Hope admits

"What did it show you?" Josie asked as she grew more confused than ever.

"Do you love him?" Hope asked as more tears started to fell out her eyes.

Josie was stunned.. how did that have anything to do with what was showed to Hope "what?" Josie asked

"You heard me! Do you love him?" Hope asked once again but with more anger.

"Y-yea.. I love him but-"

Hope cut Josie off once again "save it.. I'm going to go, I have things to handle" Hope says before she brutally left. Hope had saw something when she linked to the twins but she didn't tell Josie that, she was waiting on the right time to tell Josie about it but hearing that Josie loves Matthew had pissed her off.


"I wonder what's taking them so long" Olivia paced around the room as she grew worried for her mothers.

"They are probably kissing and making up" Elliot suggested as both him and Ellie giggled.

They were only 5 so it was funny to them and gross at the same time. "They aren't kissing! May I remind you that I'm with your mother" Matthew rolled his eyes.

"Why are you trying to hurt us?" Ellie asked Matthew as she walked up to him.

"I'm not going to hurt you" Matthew scoffed nervously

Olivia grew suspicious "are you sure about that? Because my sister has a weird feeling of you and when she does have a bad feeling she's always right, so what are you planning and so god help me if it's to come between my family we will crush you" Olivia threatened as she fidgeted with the Mikaelson crest held around her neck.

"Yeah! Nobody mess with mama and my sisters!" Elliot says as he fixed his hands up into a fist.

"Yeah whatever kid, I'm going to tell you guys this once" Matthew paused as he walked over to get something out the dresser.

"I'm your father.. hope mikaelson isn't your mother and you will apply by my rules" Matthew continued to talk as he still held something in his hand.

"What the hell-" Olivia was cut off when Matthew spoke up again.

"You will do what I say, and just as I say it, Hope mikaeson is not your mother in fact, you hate her, I'm your father as well as Josette being your mother, you love us unconditionally and you hate and despise Hope mikaelson, always and forever" Matthew smirked before he turned around and placed a dark magic glowing blade into their faces which made their eyes all light up green.

When their eyes fixed back to normal, Olivia was the only one to pass out, she had way too much dark magic mixed with tribrid magic in her.. anymore magic added she might even die..

"What's wrong with livy?" Ellie pouts as she ran to her sister side.

"She's fine, she just had a long day.. now, el, come give daddy a hug" Matthew smirked

Ellie smiled before running to give Matthew a hug. "I want a hug too dad!" Elliot says

Matthew had really over did it with this one. If Hope found out about this she would kill him.. not that she wasn't planning to do that already.


It was around 8 at night and Ellie was down for sleep, Olivia and Elliot on the other hand was up playing games in the game room with Matthew. Josie watched with a smile on her face because she loved that the people she loved was having a good time, the only thing she didn't like was that Hope wasn't around and that it wasn't Hope that they were having a good time with.

This also confused the hell out of Josie because Olivia hated Matthew, why would she spend time with him?

"Okay guys, time for bed" Josie says as both livy and Eli groaned

"But mama, there's no school tomorrow, so why do we have to go to bed early?" Olivia complained

"Because we have an cruise we are taking tomorrow and we have to be ready for breakfast reservations tomorrow morning, wouldn't want you to be late." Josie says as Olivia just pouts

"Okay mom" Olivia says before putting down the game controller.

Elliot hugs Josie and then runs over and hugs Matthew. Olivia joins in on the 'fun' which only brought more confusion to Josie.

"I love you dad" Olivia says.

Josie eyes went wide. "WHAT?" Josie asked

"Just great.. my own kids turning against me" Hope says as she stood in the door frame.

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