Eight|| "I remember mom"

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"I'll like to get this over with, so can you say what you need to say and stop wasting my time?" Hope asked as she crossed her arms.

"Wasting your time? You know what, I don't even want to tell you" Josie scoffed

Hope shook her head "well then don't fucking tell me then!" Hope scoffed before she vamped off.

She didn't have time for Josie games and to tell you the truth she wasn't in for it, she had to get her family back and Josie was distracting her, even if she would never admit that part out loud.

Hope vamped into town and found a witch, a very familiar witch. "Hello aunt davina, I need your help" Hope says as she walked up to the brunette.

"I can't help you right now" davina says as she started to walk off.

"Oh come on, you barely do anything for me and I'm your niece.. or maybe you're my niece ? This family is so twisted I don't even know whether to call you auntie or whether you should call me auntie" Hope started but immediately went back to the top. "I need your help getting my kids back" Hope crossed her arms

"What do you mean getting your kids back? Have they gone kidnapped?" Davina asked as she slide her fingers through her hair.

"No they aren't kidnapped, in fact I'm sure they are safe as of this moment, the only problem is.. Matthew has used dark magic on them and I know I can get it out of them the only problem is I don't know how much they have inside their bodies and if I take it all out then I can die or worse.. release the ...hollow" Hope worried

Davina took hopes hand and trailed her to the local bar. When they got inside they saw the place was packed but that didn't stop them for continuing on with their journey "stay here" davina says as she walks off and into the back of the bar.

Hope looked around and then walked over to the bar table and sat down. When she sat down all she can see is a girl staring at her. Hope rolled her eyes before ordering one drink. "Hey there" the girl finally spoke up.

"Not interested" Hope groaned

"But you didn't even let me tell you what I was going to say" the girl says as she gets closer

Hope shook her head "I don't need too.. I have a fiancé" Hope admits as she moves away from the girl.

"I don't see a ring" the girl points down to hopes fingers

Hope looks down to her fingers and then back up to the girl "I proposed to her.. and I don't have to explain anything to you" Hope sips her drink.

"Right.. you seem stressed though.. figured she's not pleasing you enough?" The girl talked in a seductive voice.

Hope rolled her head back and shut her eyes.

The girl just kept poking.. and poking.. and poking.

"she doesn't do it better than me" the girl last and final words before Hope gets up and slam the girl against the bar top

Everyone in the bar stopped talking as Hope leaned close down to the girls ear. "I will crush your skull if you bad talk my fiancé again.. you are nothing.. she's everything and this so called badass vibe you are trying to pull off is making me cringe.. so I think you should take your trashy ass back to where you came from and never speak a word of my girl again.. because you will be only wishing for nothing but death" Hope spat out before someone pulled her back.

"Calm down hope.. your eyes" Vincent warned

Hope turned around to the older man and her eyes started to simmer down. "I'm sorry.. it's just-"

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