Nine|| "You can't keep doing this Josie"

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It was the next morning and Hope and Olivia were up already. They still haven't talked about what happened the night prior but Hope was able to get most of the dark magic out of Olivia until they arrive back in mystic falls, which they were doing today.

Josie had agreed that she wanted to spend the rest of the break in mystic falls so she can clear a few things, the only problem was that Hope was never leaving and that would mean Hope would have to move back into her old house back down in mystic falls. It wasn't a problem with Hope but it sure was a problem.

"How are you feeling?" Hope asked Olivia as she finished up her blood bag. Hope the threw it in the garage as she waited for Olivia's response.

"I won't lie.. I'm not feeling so great.. I wish I could sleep all day but we have to go back to our stupid home" Olivia pouts as she plays with her cereal. "I just hope that Matthew gets kicked out" Olivia mutters.

"You hate him that much?" Hope asked as Olivia just simply nodded. "I'll tell you what..I'll make a promise" Hope says

Olivia lifted her head up and looked over at Hope. "What type of promise?" Olivia asked before looking back down at her cereal

"I promise you that Matthew will be gone for good pretty soon, and you won't have to deal with him for much longer" Hope says with a smile.

Olivia was happy at the gesture but she wasn't too happy, that's not what she wanted and Olivia wasn't ungrateful so she didn't complain about the sudden gesture but it still hurts for the young witch " thank you mom, but can you promise me one thing?" Olivia asked trying not to sound desperate

"Sure.. what is it?" Hope asked as she gave Olivia her full attention.

"I want you to tell mama about your feelings, I know you love her and I know that you would do anything for her and for us.. but you are pushing your feelings away and it has to stop" Olivia lectured

"But yesterday you said-" Hope was cut off by Olivia once again as Olivia looked up to meet her mothers eyes.

"I only said that I needed you because you were so stuck up on trying to get back at Matthew and you didn't see that all I wanted was you.. and mama I just don't understand why you don't just kill him.. death always solve problems apparently" Olivia muttered as a frown appeared onto her face.

Hope shook her head "what is that supposed to mean?" Hope crossed her arms.

"All I'm saying is you have an tendency of either killing.. or dying when you want to get out of a situation" Olivia says before getting up to throw her cereal out.

Hope scoffed "I didn't choose to die.. if I had the choice I would stay here with you and watch you grow up.. I would've been here more than you think, and if I had the choice Ellie and Elliot would know me just as you do-"

"I don't know you mom.. and that's the truth, I know nothing of you but what was filled into my head. Sure I remember the moments as just a kid.. and I remember a lot actually, because I used spells to revise every moment with you when you were dead but I don't know the real you.. I just know someone that kills for family and who's a sucker for love.." Olivia stops as she turned to face hope "I don't want to sound ungrateful and I don't want to sound brutal because I love every moment that I get to spend with my family and especially with you, mom, but the best you is when you are with mama.. and the best you.. is when you are with us.. meaning me, mama, Elliot and ellie, so stop acting out and tell mama how you feel so I can get my wonderful life back.." Olivia says before walking over to the door frame.

Olivia stopped and turned back to Hope. "I will be lecturing mama too.. don't worry" Olivia says before walking out.

Hope groaned and buried her face into her hands. She knew she was failing as a mother and she knew that she had to fix it all but she didn't know how quite just yet. "Are you okay mommy?" Hope heard a voice.

She turned to her side to see Elliot holding out his toy car. "Here, this always makes me feel Better" Elliot frowns

"Thank you eli," Hope says before she slowly takes the toy car.

"No problem.. anything else you need, mommy?" Elliot asked as Hope just shook her head.

Elliot walked over to the fridge and struggled to open it up. When he finally opened it he grabbed two of his lunchables. He then shut the door and walked over to Hope. "Here you go.. but don't tell anyone, I don't let anyone eat my lunchables" Elliot whispered

Hope smiled "thank you.. but I'm not hungry" Hope frowned

"Okay.. can you stay with me while I eat, then?" Elliot asked

"Sure" Hope says before she helped Elliot up on the chair and then opened up the lunchable packets.


"You can't keep doing this Josie" nicolas says

Josie shook her head "I have no idea what you are talking about" Josie says as she continued to pack her bag.

"You and getting drunk.. I know you used that spell to make you feel everything" nicolas crossed his arms

"What spell?" Josie continued to play dumb

"The same spell that my aunt keelin used to make her seem human, you wanted to feel like shit so you made sure that you were drunk, to forget everything.." nicolas told Josie explaining that he knew everything.

Josie sighed. "Don't tell Hope about this" Josie says as she turned to face nicolas

"I won't, because you will, there is no way in hell that I'm letting you do this to yourself and not let my sister know about this.. you are family and I don't care how hard it gets and how much times you want to give up, I won't let you and no other mikaelson in this house would too so you could stop it" nicolas assured as he crossed his arms.

Josie nodded "that means a lot.. and I can try but you don't know how hard it is.. and I only drink now and then but when I do it's like my therapy" Josie let out a tear but moved it away so quick that you could hardly know a tear slipped in the first place.

"Therapy? Really? Hell no." Nicolas scoffed before leaving out.

Josie shook her head as she finally finished packing. "I'm all done mama!" Ellie clapped her hands.

"Good, umm, go get your brother and sister so we can get going" Josie says as she tries to hide the pain in her voice.

"You okay Mama?" Ellie asked as she slowly walked into the room.

"Mamas fine, just go get your siblings for me.. okay?" Josie asked

"Okay" Ellie says before running out, Josie let out a sigh of relief as she looked down at her suit case she then heard the door shut. She looked up to see Hope.

"We need to talk.." Hope voice was filled with worry

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