Ten|| "hope I..."

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"Hope I have to go.. and this will only waste my time-"

"Josie I'm tired of this.. us fighting and fighting.. it's hurting the kids and I don't want our kids to hurt.. I just want them to be happy, I want you to be happy.. and if I want to happy then I need all 4 of you to enjoy life because without you guys, I'm nothing so.. I don't care if you're in love with Matthew and I don't care if you want to spend the rest of your life with him.. I could accept that and I can just move on.. but we can't keep making our kids sad and pissed at us" Hope pinched the bridge of her nose as she paced around.

Josie scoffed as she walked up to the door with her suit case. "I'm not in love with Matthew-"

"You're in love enough to have a baby that's for sure!" Hope crossed her arms as she stepped in front of Josie.

Josie searched hopes eyes in confusion "are you serious? I never agreed to having a baby with Matthew" Josie groaned

"But he said that you guys were planning on having a baby so Elliot won't be lonely" Hope moved a little bit back from Josie.

Josie let out a chuckle with a hint of sarcasm "you think" she paused as she looked down at her suit case "you think I'm going to have a baby with him? What kind of person you think I am? I mean of course I don't want Elliot to be lonely and I would be more than happy to give him a baby brother.. even though you can't just decide the gender.. it's all up to nature, but trying for a baby boy would make me more than happy, I wouldn't mind having a baby number 4, even though that would be my maximum but I will never have a baby with him" Josie tried explaining the best way she could.

"I think maybe we should worry about the kids we have now then you trying to get pregnant again.. which by the way... is crazy" Hope uncrossed her arms.

Josie sighed and looked back up at Hope for just a slight second "what's this nicolas told me about you drinking to your sorrows?" Hope asked which made Josie groan

"He told you.. after I specifically told him not to!" Josie grew a little angry

"Damn right he told me, and I'm glad he did, because imagine how fucked up your life can get because you want to act like your father-"

"That's not fair! Not once have I ever compared you to your father so don't you dare compare me to mines!" Josie raised her voice

Hope let out a small breath and then turned away from Josie "look I'm sorry, it's just too many of the people that I love has been taken away from me and I can't lose you too.. you're not immortal like me, you can die easy with a bloody stake" Hope waved her hand slightly in the air as she talked

"Is this what you're scared about? Me dying on you?.. dying on the kids?" Josie asked

Hope turned around and basically forced Josie onto the wall. "Don't you get it!" Hope practically screamed "of course I'm scared of you dying! But I'm scared of losing you the most! Dammit I love you! And I'm so tired of Matthew getting what I want most in the world.. and I'm so fucking in love with you and it's driving me mad" Hope yelled as her face grew redder by each word that left her mouth.

"Hope I..."

"Forget it, go home and take the kids with you and I'll be down there by tomorrow, we can keep this as platonic as you want but just know that I will never give up on you.. just like you never gave up on me when I lacked humanity.. the only person that fought for my humanity and sincerely cared.. so I won't give up on us, I'll suffer the burdens of you and Matthew and I'll wait.." Hope searched the brunettes eyes as she turned away to walk to the door.

Josie grabbed her arm and turned her back around all in once "I love you too.. so don't ever forget that" Josie whispered as she was now searching the auburn haired girls eyes.

Hope eyes flickered gold as her eyes looked down at Josie's unsecured neck.. it was a glance.

"Hope?" Josie called out as Hope still paid no attention to the brunette.

"Hope?" Josie called out again.

Hope eyes glowed up fully golden before her eyes shot towards Josie's lips. With all in one motion, Hope cupped the girls face and pulled Josie closer as she placed her lips onto the young heretics lips.

Both girls winced in pain as they felt a sting when their lips connected. Hope shut her eyes and wrapped her arms around the tall girls hips and shoulders slightly pulling her down.

Hope fingers laced down at Josie's lower back. Josie then came back to realization and pulled back. "I-I.. I'm sorry, I can't do this.. I'm not a cheater" Josie says

Hope opened eyes that were still golden and they then turned back to normal causing Josie to raise her eyebrow "what just happened?" Hope asked

"Y-you.. umm.. you kissed me and I pulled away, I'm really sorry but-"

"I didn't kiss you" Hope shook her head as she looked at Josie in nothing but shock.

"Yeah you did" Josie says

Hope shook her head some more "no I didn't.. I was talking to you and then I looked at your neck and suddenly I blacked out." Hope assured

"Very funny hope" Josie says in a not so funny tone.

Ellie than ran into the room "mommy! Mom! Elliot needs you" Ellie says

Hope and Josie eyes shot towards the young girl before they both vamped out of there.

"Mom please.. I don't want to do this.. it's Matthew" Olivia cried as she held Elliot up in the air with the wave of her hand.

"What's going on? What did Matthew do?" Hope asked as she was ready to attack

Olivia still held up Elliot and cried more and more so. "He's controlling me, I can feel it.. I don't want to hurt anyone.. mom make it stop" Olivia says as she looked over at Hope.

Josie eyes widen as she heard the cries of Elliot "mommy! Please!"

Hope looked over at Josie and she nodded before Hope vamped to Olivia to contain her as Josie vamped to catch Elliot from falling to the ground.

Hope put Olivia to sleep with a simple spell yet again "we really need to get out of New Orleans, thats the only reason why Matthew can control her" Hope says as she picks Olivia up and placed her on the couch.

"Is everything okay?" Hayley asked as she came running out of no where.

"Everything's fine" Josie says

Hope then ran over to Elliot and held him in her arms, with her hands guarding his head "I'm so sorry buddy, I promise not to let this happen to you again" Hope whispered as she still held onto Elliot.

"M-mom.. I-I have to tell you something" Elliot cried as they both pulled apart.

Ellie then finally made it down the stairs.

"What is it sweetheart?" Hope asked

"I knew what matthew was doing.. and I didn't stop it, because I didn't want him to get hurt.. I feel lonely and I'm the only man here to protect you guys-"

"You don't need to protect us eli" Hope assured

"I know.. but it's hard being the only boy when there is 4 of you girls.. and matty made me feel like I wasn't the only one.. but I'm ready to fight.." Elliot paused as he looked over at a sleeping Olivia and then at ellie.

"Like livy said.. we are 3 badass tribrids" Josie eyes went wide at the sudden language "including you, mom, that makes 4, so if he messes with my sisters, my mama and my mom.. then We'll handle him the mikaelson way" Elliot assured as his face was filled with nothing but seriousness but it almost made Josie laugh at how adorable he was.

Hope turned to Josie "I say we kick his ass like old times?" Josie asked hope

"Yeah.. but without the kids.. cause I'm thinking a little torture and a lot more badass" Hope smirked as both twins smiled brightly.

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