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"Hey sweetie" Cleo says as she walked into the office.

"Hey auntie, you forgot something?" Olivia asked

"Nope, I wanted to help you with the spell to bring back your mom" Cleo says with a smile

Olivia raised her eyebrow "okay? When?"

"Right now, I'll set up the things"


After the spell livy had passed out.

Cleo who actually wasn't Cleo took off her ring.

"Pleasure doing business with you mikaelson." Finch says before stepping over Olivia and leaving out.

Finch's Brilliant plan wasn't about to be as brilliant as she thought.


When Olivia woke back up she was in her room.

"MOM? MG? ELLIOT? ELLIE?" Olivia called which hurt her head even more.

"Shh it's okay sweetheart." Josie says as she walked into the room.

"Mom ..where am I?" Olivia asked

"You are in your room, Mg had seen you were passed out in the office and you haven't woken up since." Josie explained

"I was just in the room with aunt Cleo." Olivia panicked

"Olivia honey Cleo hasn't seen you since the car ride" Josie tried comforting her

"No mom She was there I promise you..she was helping me bring back mom-" Olivia cut her self off.. she hadn't meant to say that but it slipped out

"What do you mean bring back your mom? Olivia I told you to stay away from stuff like that" Josie says

"I know mom but-"

"No get dressed we have a long flight ahead of us." Josie says before walking out of the room.

Josie didn't shut the door which showed matthew standing at the door.

"Maybe you should start listening to your mama livy." Matthew crossed his arms.

"Maybe you should Stay the hell away from me and don't worry about what me and my mom have going on." Olivia slammed the door shut.

She turned around to pack her things but she was soon surprised when Matthew opened the door back up and walked inside.

"Leave me alone matty ratty." Olivia groaned

"Like I said.. you will listen to your mother or I will have to make you." He says as he put a grip onto her arm.

"Get off of me." Olivia tried to fight him off

"Are we clear?" Matthew asked

"No" Olivia glared before she kicked his feet causing his to fall on the ground as she snatched her arm from his with hold.

"What the hell?" Matthew asked

"MATTHEW! WHERE ARE YOU?" Josie yelled

"Don't ever put your hands on me..I am my mothers daughter." Olivia threatens before she sends him flying out of the room with just a wave of magic.

Olivia groans and the door shuts.

She's so frustrated.. could she just had a dream?


"Hey Lizzie." Caroline says as she kissed the top of Jenna's forehead.

"Me too g-ma!" Andrew jumps up and down as the cookies fall out of his hands.

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