Three|| "i want grandkids"

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"Hey grandpa?" Olivia questioned as she walked into the room with the twins and Harley.

"Yes my tiniest wolves?" Klaus asked as he picked harley up and but him on one side of his lap.

"Do you ever miss mom?" Olivia asked as all three kids tilted their head.

Klaus turned his head around to face the trio.

"Of course I do..why do you ask?" Klaus asked

"Cookie!" The boys yelled as kol walked in with a plate of cookies.

"You can have one if you say 'uncle kol' at least once" kol says as he took a bite into his cookie.

"Give him the damn cookie kol" Klaus says

"He has to say it first." Kol says

"Kol?" Harley clapped his hands.

"Is that good enough? The boys only 2 what you expect?" Klaus asked with anger

He's overprotective of his family but his grandkids have a different type of love and protection in his heart.

"Relax nik" kol rolled his eyes before he gave Harley a cookie

"The boy has a sissy name." Kol says out of the blue

"I think it's cute." Ellie buts in

"Have your mother never told you respect?" Kol asked Ellie

"She did but then we started to hang around with you, it's bound to spread on." Olivia sassed as she touches up her last paint on the painting.

"This is why I love are just in a girl form." Kol smiled over at his great nieces.

"I don't think that's a good thing" Olivia groans as Ellie chuckled

Klaus chuckled along with Ellie and soon Elliot joined in.

"It's time for bed..I want you to go get in a shower and I will wash up the twins and then Harley." Klaus says to Olivia.

"Okay" Olivia says before she kissed her grandfathers cheek and left out

"I want grandkids" kol pouts

"You have to have kids first brother." Klaus smirked

"SHH! YOU MIGHT WAKE THE KIDS!" Klaus and kol could hear the shit going on with the girls downstairs.

"Oh bloody hell, they got my wife drunk." Kol grows angry

"It's a bar, what do you expect?" Klaus asked before he walked out of the room


In the next room was nik and Elijah.

"I've figured you need help with the girls? I can watch over the boys..niks already sleep." Elijah says as he stood by the door frame.

"Or I can just take Harley to Nick ..cause he is his son and Elliot can take his ass to sleep ." Kol says

"Can't do that, I have a drunk wife to deal with, can you at least watch him just until I make sure my wife hasn't gotten liquor poisoned" nicolas says before running down stairs

Elijah took Harley and Elliot and brought them into the room with him and nik.

"Hey there my baby." Hayley says as she tipped over to Klaus.

"You're drunk love." Klaus says

"Kiss me." Hayley whispered to Klaus

Klaus chuckled

"Come on love." Klaus says before picking her up bridal style and walking her over to their room

"It's time we get home Davina." Kol say before he picked her up and walked right out the house.

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