Seventeen|| "Hey little man, why are you naked?"

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"Stop it Elliot, we have to take a bath" Josie says as Elliot shook his head 'No' and ran down the hall way butt naked.

"ELLIOT!" Josie groaned as she got up and ran after him. She had been trying to get him to take a bath for an hour now and he wouldn't budge. The girls were at Lizzie's house so there was no help with him.

The brunette was getting tired of chasing the young boy around but she didn't want to make him cry. She hated when her son cried because it pained her so much. She hated when any of her kids cried if she was being honest.

By the time the brunette got up to go get the young brown haired he had already climbed down the stairs. Josie groaned as she ran after him but before she could catch him the house door opened.

The 5 year old giggled before running over to the auburn haired girl who just walked in.

"Hey little man, why are you naked?" Hope asked as she picked him up from the floor.

Josie blow into the air from defeat as she slide her fingers through her hair "he was giving mama a very hard time with a bath" Josie crossed her arms

Hope giggles as well as Elliot. "You gave mama a hard time?" Hope asked as she raised her eyebrow.

Elliot frowned "I bad" Elliot grew more sad with a pout.

"Don't you dare try to make that cute face with me mister! It won't work this time" Josie crossed her arms

Elliot held his hands up to his face as he made an 'O' shaped with his mouth. "sorry mama" Elliot frowned as his eyes formed into a sad puppy eyes. Josie couldn't stay mad at Elliot for longer before taking him out of hopes arms and bringing him upstairs to put on a pamper. Hope rolled her eyes, she knew that he got his way with his mama way to much.

The auburn haired girl ran up the stairs and into the twins room "mommy's going to give you a bath and you are going to be a good boy, and then we are going to go visit uncle Nick and auntie Cleo." Hope pointed her finger at Elliot.

Although the young boy barely knew what was said, he knew what Hope meant. "I be good boy" Elliot clapped his hands together as Josie frowned.

The brunette was use to Elliot giving into what Hope said which made her a little jealous of their bond as a mother and son but Josie also loves that for them, she loved that because Ellie and Hope didn't have much of a bond as Josie and Ellie did, and She knew that Elliot loved them equally but it still made her a bit jealous.

Hope picked up her 5 year old as she tickled him on the way to the bathroom. Josie sighed as she stood with her hair a mess and made her way to her room. She needed a long shower after that.


Hope and Elliot was all dressed up. Elliot had on cute light up shoes that matched hopes sneakers. Elliot had a shirt that read 'I'm the sunshine' with a little yellow sun in the middle of it. While hopes shirt read 'The sunshine protector' that matched as Elliot's. For the pants they just had on comfortable black pants that looked as they were duplicated in a different size.

Josie smiled as the little one waddled up to her. "You look so handsome, matching with mommy, huh?" Josie asked with her baby voice as she glanced over at hope.

Elliot you clapped his hands as he jumped up and down. "Mama thinks you look adorable, say thank you" Hope says as she walked over near her son.

Elliot smiled before he wrapped his arms around Josie "thank you mama" Elliot smiled with his full teeth showing, he looked so adorable that if you looked at him your heart would melt in 'awe'.

"No problem Elliot, now you should get going with your mommy" Josie kissed the top of his forehead.

He closed his eyes and smiled. Once the forehead kiss was over he opened his eyes with the same smile before he waved to his mama "love you mama" he says before running back to Hope.

Hope smiled and picked him up. "I'll drop him off around 7, that gives you enough time to at least get some sleep jo" Hope says as she walks over to the door

Josie smiled "don't have too much fun without me" Josie waved goodbye.

This wasn't always the same especially when it came down to their mini family that they had going on.

Everything hasn't been the same every since the whole thing with hopes proposal.


"I would climb mountains and hill tops just to see your smile and just to be with you because you're the love of my life and I'm so madly in love with you that I want to shout it from the rooftops" Hope took Josie's hands as everyone stepped aside.

Hope wiped the tear out of Josie's eyes and she got down on one knee. "Josette Olivia Lucas saltzman, will you make me the happiest idiot alive and marry me?.. again"

Josie looked over at her kids and then back over at Hope. "I..." Josie paused before looking over at Olivia.

The young girl face was confused. She was scared for her mamas reaction.

Josie sighed and looked back over at Hope. "I can't..." Josie chewed on her bottom lip.

Hope searched Josie's eyes as her heart felt like it stopped.

"You what?" Lizzie asked as she placed Jenna down and crossed her arms.

Josie smiled and cupped hopes face "I can't wait to marry you." Josie says before pulling Hope up and pulling her in for a kiss.

Hope quickly pulled away and raised her eyebrow "so is that a yes.. or?" Hope asked

Josie rolled her eyes "that's a yes silly" Josie says before Hope pulled her in for another kiss. But longer.

Everyone cheered for them.

***end of flashback

Hope quickly ran back up to Josie. "You forgot something didn't you?" Josie asked as she smirked.

Hope nodded "yea, I forgot something extreme, I don't know how I'm going to spend the day without it" Hope faked her panic before pulling Josie in from her waist and pecking her on her lips.

"Okay, now I should go" Hope whispered before running back off and to the car.

Josie smiled and waved off to her son and Hope for the second time in that last minute.

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