Sixteen|| "I hope to see you all tonight"

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Hope and the rest of the family arrived back at the house and the kids were tired. They were all sleep in the back of the car.

"We have a lot to talk about" Josie breathed before she looked over at Hope.

"I know, and I know exactly what it's about, and I think we should talk about this tomorrow morning instead of now, I'm really tired and I need to get the kids inside the house so they can get the proper sleep they deserve" Hope admits as she gets up out of the car.

Josie shook her head. She just wanted a normal conversation with Hope. She was tired of things getting in the way of her and Hope. She just wanted to be a normal family just as Olivia wanted, she didn't want anymore people getting in the way of their relationship and she damn sure didn't want Emily to be the reason for it.

Josie got up out of the car and picked up Elliot who was the first one by the door. She took him inside and she placed him onto the bed in his room. She needed to make sure that he was safe and comfortable in his bed before Josie went back to get Ellie but Hope had already got her after bringing in Olivia.

Josie locked the car and shut the house doors making sure they were locked before she walked upstairs to her room.

Josie got into the shower and she washed all her thoughts away and had a cleared mind. She didn't want to go to sleep angry because she knew that was bad for and her mental health. After Hope had died she had to see many therapy's to make sure she was okay and now that she can finally control herself, it has gotten better.


The next morning Josie woke up to a note and breakfast in bed. The note read: I took the kids out with me for a while I hope you enjoy the food that they helped me prepare and I hope to see you later. You will also find a dress in your closet, wear it when Lizzie comes and picks you up for our special dinner.

Josie smiled at the note before placing it back down. She then sat up and ate her food. She enjoyed every bite of it even if it was cold.

After Josie got done eating she made her way to the bathroom and starting getting dressed. Josie had woke up later than she usually did, so it was around 12 o'clock when she got into the shower.


Olivia couldn't stop smiling, she held a bright smile on her face the whole time that her mother explained to her what she was supposed to do.

"Can you handle it bumblebee?" Nicolas asked as Olivia nodded

"I can handle that, it's nothing that I can't handle, I'm Olivia mikaelson for god sakes" Olivia pointed out.

both sets of twins smiled "that's my girl" Hope says as she waved her hand in Olivia's hair to mess it up just a bit.

"Thank you all for participating in this, I hope to see you all tonight" Hope smiled before walking off.


Everything was set up and Hope was more than happy with her results, she couldn't wait to see the look on Josie's face.

When it got towards 7 o'clock hope and Josie made their way to one of Josie's favorite restaurants. "Hope why are doing all of this?" Josie asked as she held a smile on her face.

"Because I love you, and you're my girl, I want to show you the world and I want to show you beyond the moon" Hope says as she kissed Josie's hand

"You deserve everything in the world and I'm going to give you exactly that" Hope whispered before taking Josie's hand into hers.

They walked over to the table that Hope had made reservations for and Hope pulled out a chair for Josie to sit in. It was quite frankly the only time Hope knew how to pull out if we were being honest.

"It's lovely Hope" Josie whispered as Hope pecked Josie on the cheek.

"You look amazing, as always" Hope says as she chewed on her bottom lip.

"Thank you hope, you look amazing as well" Josie smiled.


For the rest of the date Hope and Josie laughed and smiled through out the day. It took Josie by surprise when Hope had acted so different that night. "It's getting late, we should go and get home to the kids, I'm sure nicolas watched them for long enough" Josie says as she got up from the seat.

Hope smiled "I actually think that maybe we should go somewhere else" Hope says

"Hope.." Josie groaned

"Only for a little bit and then we can go home and we can even have that talk you wanted to have yesterday" Hope says as she gave Josie the puppy eyes.

Josie rolled her eyes "okay fine" Josie says before taking hopes hand and pulling her to peck her on the lips.

"I'm going to pay for the dinner and then I'll meet you at the car" Hope whispered before pecking Josie's lips one more time.

Josie smiled as if the day couldn't get any better before she walked outside and over to the car.


The day was going by extremely fast, faster than Josie would have thought. When Josie and Hope had got to the place it was somewhere Josie could barley recognize.

"Hope where are we?" Josie asked as she crossed her arms

"Hell." Hope says before getting out of the car. "Kidding of course" Hope says as she opened Josie's car door.

Josie got out and she could see roses leading towards the dark. "I'm not going into the dark" Josie says

Hope rolled her eyes "don't be such a scary pants, go and follow the roses, I promise you would love the prize" Hope smirked

Josie rolled her eyes and started to walk with the roses that lead the path.

When Josie got there, it revealed the twins "hey mama" they said at the same time before handing Josie two roses each.

"It's pass your bedtime guys" Josie says as she took the roses.

The twins looked at each other but didn't say anything, instead they pointed towards their left. Josie looked towards that way and she could see Olivia waving to her. Josie walked over to Olivia and livy handed her two more flowers. "You look amazing mama" Olivia says before she stood on her tippy toes and pecked Josie's cheek "follow me" Olivia says before taking Josie's hand.

She walked Josie towards a camp house where there was candles and everything set up. The twins shortly walked inside with their uncle Nick. Hope stood up at the top of the railing. "Hey beautiful" Hope says which got Josie's attention.

Josie looked up and smiled "Hope what's going on?" She asked

Lizzie walked in with both twins (Andrew and Jenna) holding onto her hands. "What are you going here?" Josie asked

"Josie" Hope says as she got Josie's attention again.

"I did some things.. some things that really affected our relationship, and I made mistakes and you've made mistakes" Hope paused as Josie raised her eyebrow "mistakes, like not settling down with you sooner than I should have. I wake up everyday and it's because of you and our children and I hurt everyday because knowing that you are a free women pains me. Seeing that people can come and take you from me whenever and wherever they want.. makes me mad and jealous" Hope paused and let out a chuckle. "I love you Josette"

Hope could see the tears coming out of Josie's eyes "I love you so much that I rather kill myself again and again then to see you with someone else, then to see you with anyone else besides me because you are mine, and only mine" Hope walked down the stairs this time and started to make her way over to Josie.

"I would climb mountains and hill tops just to see your smile and just to be with you because you're the love of my life and I'm so madly in love with you that I want to shout it from the rooftops" Hope took Josie's hands as everyone stepped aside.

Hope wiped the tear out of Josie's eyes and she got down on one knee. "Josette Olivia Lucas saltzman, will you make me the happiest idiot alive and marry me?.. again"

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