Eleven|| "god shes so hot"

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"Thank you for watching Elliot for us" Josie smiled as she stood at nicolas hotel door.

"Not a problem, I'm sure Harley and Elliot can play while you guys sort out the whole thing" nicolas says

Elliot then ran into the room and into the living room part where Cleo and Harley were. "Can you actually watch him until tomorrow morning, I don't think I'll be able to comprehend killing someone and then having to keep my kids under control" Josie admits

Nicolas nodded "sure thing, that's fine by me, Harley has been dying to hang out with his cousins... so happy to watch him" nicolas says

"Thank you once again" Josie smiled as nicolas nodded before closing the door.


"Ill see you guys tomorrow afternoon" hope smiled as she kissed the top of Ellie's forehead.

"Okay mom..see tomorrow!" Ellie says excited as she put her safety belt on.

Hope then walked up to the driver seat and leaned against the window frame "take care of my little girl" Hope says in a pure threatening tone

"Relax, she's only going to be with us for a day.. and not even the full 24 hours, I really think you should have let eli and livy come with us" Lizzie says from the passenger seat.

"I would never let you watch all 3 of them when you also have to deal with your twin tribe.. that's 5 kids not only are they kids but badass supernaturals, I think not." Hope argued

Lizzie rolled her eyes "she's in good hands, Lizzie and I just think that you shouldn't split the kids up, especially the twins no matter if it's just one night, Andrew and Jenna never been a part since the day they were born.. isn't that right guys?" Mg asked

"That's right.. it triggers with our magic" Jenna answered

Hope rolled her eyes "I understand, but Olivia can't be anywhere near the twins until we figure out what's going on with Matthew, but thank you once again for watching Ellie" Hope smiled


"I will get as much dark magic as I can out of her but there is no guarantee that I will get every last bit until you find Matthew and you find the thing holding onto liv." Freya assured as she placed Olivia onto the guest room bed.

"We can get it, just promise me that she will be okay" Hope slide her hands into her back pocket.

"She will be more than okay once you find that artifact." Freya assured as she turned to face both Hope and Josie.

Josie then nodded "thank you very much but we should get going" Josie says before grabbing Hope hand and leaving out.


The two had finally got ready and it was nearly midnight . Hope and Josie both checked on the kids more than 3 times in the last hour, they couldn't help it they were worried.

"This is the place" Hope whispered as they stumbled up to a old abandoned house that was just 45 minutes away from the mikaelson manor.

"Don't you think we should have told your dad or someone about this? It's too risky and I don't think it's such a good idea that no one knows where we are" Josie whispered as she grew more worried than ever.

"We are fine, I don't think we need anyone and if we do my dad and uncles are around.. I never leave without backup."

Hope then took Josie hand and vamped inside the place to reveal Matthew torturing someone.. they couldn't really see the person but they damn sure could hear the pain in the persons voice.

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