Six|| "I do this for love"

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Hope walked away and into her room. She couldn't stay here, especially not with what's going on, all she wanted was to hold her little girl and then she realized it was not only one but three kids now that she couldn't hold, all she really wanted was to hold them all and never let go.

To tell you the truth Hope felt nothing but misery hearing Olivia call Matthew... Matthew out of all people.. dad.. and it shattered her heart so much that she knew she couldn't stay there.

She got a jacket and her keys . Almost 6 years dead and she still knew how to drive, must be vampire perks.

As Hope opened the door Olivia immediately ran to hug her. "I'm sorry mom.. he forced us and I wasn't trying to get caught so I had to go along with it and I don't want you to be mad at me mom.. you can't be mad at me, I will die if you are" Olivia cried as she held on tight to Hope.

Hope looked down at the 10 year old that had her arms embraced around her and smiled. "I'm not mad at you, I could never really be mad at you, tell me what's wrong" Hope frowned

"It's Matthew, he was the one to kill you and the twins and I found that out by the adolescent link that carried on with us when you appeared back from the dead. I still don't know fully how you are back but you are.. which means finch is back" liv frowned

Hope brought liv into the room and shut the door. "I know that Matthew killed me and I know that finch was apart of it, I had this vision thing and I saw it, but you still haven't explained to me why you would call Matthew dad" Hope says

"Matthew did a spell that messed with me and the twins minds, it was like compelling but for witches." Olivia tried explaining

"And how did you break free?" Hope asked

"Come on mom, I'm the daughter of a heretic which are rare and the daughter of a all mighty tribrid, you have to cut me some slack" Olivia crossed her arms and Hope smiled.

"Also, I did black magic with finch who I thought was auntie cleo, now I'm not sure who's who.. and since I did black magic already, I couldn't Inhale anymore dark magic, my body physically wouldn't let me, and that was why I had to pretend to be under matthews spell the only problem is the twins are still under the spell and if they continue to be then the dark magic will over vail them and they will be yet to exist." Olivia ranted on in horror as she really thought about it.

"Calm down, everything will be fine, I'll get the twins back and then your mother and then we can move away just as we planned" Hope assured the ten year old witch.

Liv hugged Hope and didn't let go, she couldn't, she was scared. "You should really be getting back to your room if you want this whole thing to plan out. I don't need ratty matty getting suspicious" Hope says

"Okay momma, goodnight.. I love you" Olivia says as she release her hold from her mother.

"I love you more than words can explain" Hope smiled before Olivia left out her room.

Hope smile faded and anger took its place, she never was the type to kill family but Matthew was no longer family, he not only killed her but he's getting between Hope and the things she loves most.. her family.


"So, when is Hope leaving?" Matthew asked as he gets into the beds

"What do you mean? She's here to stay, I'm sure hope wants to be in the kids life just as I do" Josie says as she walks over to the bed.

"The kids don't even like Hope, they was distant from her the whole time and now shes staying.. for what?" Matthew asked

Josie scoffed "you really don't have a say when it comes down to stuff like that, and they aren't your kids, so stop making them call you dad" Josie crossed her arms as she turned to look at the wall just on her side.

Matthew let out a dry laugh "you think I'm making them call me that?" He asked before shaking his head "they are willing to call me dad"

"Oh yeah? They never did before and just the day when Hope comes back they so called want to call you dad?" Josie asked

"Yeah.. they love me" Matthew says

"You know.. love is a strong word."

"But you've told me that you loved me before" Matthew let out a nervous chuckle.

Josie nodded her head "I have, but loving someone has different meaning to it" Josie admits

"So if I were to say I was madly in love with you.. would you feel the same way?" Matthew asked

Josie gulped "I don't know"

Matthew felt a little anger built inside him "what do you mean you don't know? is this because you still have some type of feelings for hope because I swear to god-"

"This isn't about her! This is about me you and my kids.. I think it's disrespectful and inappropriate that they call you that and you allow it. I will have a much different conversation with them but seeing as you are the adult and you know right from wrong I would expect more from you" Josie says as she gets up from the bed

"It's Hope! Can't you see? Soon as she comes here .. she's making us tear apart, Josie just don't let her feed you into it, don't let her win" Matthew says as he jumped up.

Josie scoffed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Everything is all about Hope now, more obsessed with her than I was at this point" Josie walked over to the dresser.

"Where are you going?" Matthew asked

"I'm going over to the bar in town to get some air.. maybe talk to one of the families old friends Camille, and I'm going to clear my mind" Josie admits.

Matthew slowly walked back to sit on the bed. "I just have to ask, do you love her?" Matthew asked

"Why are you starting a argument back up? Why are you doing this?" Josie asked as she put her keys in her pocket.

"I do this for love, I do it because I love you and you seem to hate me.. hopes been back for what? 5 minutes? And you are all over her.. I seen the way you look at her-"

"I don't look at her the way you think I do" Josie assured

"Liar! I just want to know if you are still in love with her."

"What difference does it make? I'm with you, right?" Josie slipped out by accident.

Matthew tapped his leg up and down trying to hold on his anger.

"I can move pass it if.. if you just fucking admit it."

Josie slammed her hand on the dresser top and turned to face Matthew "so what if I am? What if I want her and what if I craved her the second she stepped into the door? It changes nothing! Because that may not be the Hope I knew 6 years ago"

"And if it is the same Hope? Then what? Do you plan on riding in the sunset with her and the kids and leaving me behind?" Matthew asked

Josie rolled her eyes "I'm not doing this.. you are basically asking me to choose, and I won't choose because it's stupid.. so what do you want from me?" Josie asked

Matthew turned over to finally face Josie. "I think we should have a baby.."

Josie let out a chuckle until she seen that Matthew wasn't joking. "what? No." Josie scoffed

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