Fourteen|| "I should take control"

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Hope kissed along the sides of Josie's earlobe as Josie only pulled away slightly.

"I promised Olivia I would tuck her in, we must stop here before I'm unable to" Josie whispered as Hope trailed her way down to Josie's neck.

Hope placed soft kisses along Josie's body. As she laced up and down her skin.

"Okay" Hope whispered as she moved to the side.

Josie felt a little sad that Hope actually gave in to letting her go but she did promise Olivia that she would tuck her in and that was what she was going to do.

Josie got up and vamped out to Olivia's room.

Hope smirked as she licked her bottom lip. Hope then took off her shirt which revealed her in a tank top and pulled down her pants.

All she was doing was getting comfortable for bed but it still drove her crazy about how Josie looked at her.

Josie looked at Hope as if Hope was the only person in the world. She looked at her as if looks were love. Josie's eyes created a hole in Hope that could never be filled with nothing but Josie's love. It was Josie's way of claiming what was hers.. and that was Hope.

Hope smiled at the thought as she closed the dresser and turned around to walk over to the bed. By this time josie was already done with Olivia "that fast?" Hope asked as she raised her eyebrow.

"Olivia was already sleep, I just had to put the cover over her and I made sure the twins were sleeping comfortably and covered them up so they wouldn't get cold." Josie admits as she makes her way over to Hope.

"They are werewolves into training.. they won't have to worry about being as cold as you think" Hope assured as Josie rested her arms onto hopes shoulders. "Now where were we?" Josie asked in a low tone that could only be heard just a bit. Hope was thankful to have vamp hearing because she would have never heard the words slipping out of the brunettes mouth.

Hope smiled before she placed a sloppy and wet kiss onto Josie's neck making a sting shock both girls just a bit. "I think we were doing a little bit of this" Hope whispered before she ran her hands up and down Josie's arms as she still placed sloppy kisses onto Josie's neck. Hope made sure to take it easy on the younger girl though, she didn't want to hurt her by the craves she desired.

Josie eyes rolled back as she made sure to keep her mouth shut, she didn't want to wake the kids up with her loud moans filling the air. Hope slowly pecked Josie's skin as if it was a delicate flower, Josie slid her shirt off as Hope gripped Josie's body and a light growl left hopes mouth as Josie tried to take off her bra.

"What's wrong?" Josie asked as she tilted her head.

"I want to take it off, I don't know why I growled.." Hope soul searched Josie's eyes as hope's grew soft.

"You can take it off if you want" Josie says as she looked down at her laced bra and then up back into hopes eyes.

Hope eyes glowed gold once again only for a little before Josie turned around and moved her hair to the side. Josie then breathed in and out waiting to feel hopes touch. Soon Hope let her finger glide up and down Josie's back causing the brunette to close her eyes as she leaned into the touch.

Hope didn't immediately take off the bra. She took her time, first she placed kisses along the girls shoulders as she pressed Josie's body towards hers with just one hand wrapped around Josie and the other occupied with taking off Josie's bra.

It was quite impressive that Hope could do it with one hand instead of two. "You." Hope paused as she kissed Josie's neck a little more harder this time in which it left a light bruise. "Are." Hope begin to slightly suck onto Josie's neck with light force. She really didn't want to hurt the girl, because as much as Hope desired Josie right now, she knew that her desire would overwhelm and she will get a lot more possessive. "Mine" Hope whispered, and with that Josie turned around and cupped hopes face as she leaned in and connected their lips.

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