Four|| "It can wait, I'm sure of it."

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"Listen hope, we have no control over who Josie-"

"I loved Josie." Hope says in a whisper

"She knows and she thought you were dead-"

"I WAS DEAD!" Hope yelled

"Come on twins, let's go get dressed for lunch." Caroline takes the suit case that Hope had brought in when she came in with her upstairs, as the twins followed along.

"Hope.." Lizzie trailed off

"No!" Hope says

"You can't expect her not to move on! It's been 6 years Hope!" Lizzie yelled

"I have done nothing wrong to her, I've loved her- fell in love with her, I've loved her like a wife before I even asked to marry her, I've been there for her no matter what, I ate that disgusting ass pancakes she makes just to make her happy and she does this?" Hope feels tears streaming down her eyes.

"I'm team you and Josie and I believe that if she knows you are alive she would-"

"I don't want anything to do with her." Hope growls

"You are being dramatic Hope!" Lizzie couldn't believe her ears

"I'm not mad that Josie moved on and that she's happy...I'm not mad at the fact that Josie and I will never have that spark we've had and I'm not mad at the fact that my child is growing up thinking some man is her father because they deserve to have that in their life..." Hope wiped the tear out of her eye

"I'm mad at the fact that Matthew is the man she chose, the man I hate the most, the man that I want to kill...the man that killed me." Hope broke down.

Lizzie was at lost of words.

She never knew this happened and she was sorry for Hope..she really was.

The door opened.

"Hey..what's going on?" Mg asked

"It's Hope.." Lizzie says

Mg eyes widen at the appearance of Hope before he ran and embraced her with a hug.

"Don't ever leave me alone like that, I've missed you ." Mg says as he held on to her tight.

"I miss you too greasley." Hope says as she hugged him back.

"What got you crying?" Mg asked as he pulled away from the hug.

"Josie..and Matthew." Hope says as she wiped away her tears.

"Daddy!" Jenna says before running over to Mg

"Dads here?" Andrew asked as he walked down the stairs.

"Right here kiddo." Mg says before andrew embraced him with a hug.

"I need to go see my family." Hope whispered

"Okay but Hope..I need to tell you something" Lizzie sighs

"It can wait, I'm sure of it." Hope says before vamping out

"Damn it." Lizzie groans


After Klaus hung up the phone he turned over to Hayley holding on to him.

"I'm going to go make some brunch" klaus smiled at his wife.

"5 more minutes." Hayley pouts.

"This is so gross." Kol stood at the door.

Klaus threw the pillow at him which he caught.

"What do you want brother?" Klaus asked

"Henrik is here, he told me to come and get you." Kol leaned on the door frame.

Immortal child |2|Where stories live. Discover now