Seven|| "Uhh.. just a minute"

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The next morning Hope walked to the kitchen to see her uncle henrik. "Hey hopey, what's got you up this early?" Henrik asked

"I wanted to wake up and get ready for the day, I plan on going out all day" Hope admits as she grabs an apple and then walks back over to the exit.

Just at the same time Matthew walks in with nothing but anger written all over his face "what the hell are you still doing in my family's house?" Matthew asked

Hope scoffed "your family? Last time I check I was older.. I'm more family then you are.. you aren't even family if we are being honest" Hope crossed her arms trying not to crush Matthew scull right then and there.

Matthew looked over at henrik "dad, are you going to let her disrespect me?" Matthew then turned over to Hope. "You will not disrespect me in my families home.. last time I checked you were dead so be dead again" Matthew stepped up to Hope.

"If you are feeling disrespected in your so called home, step outside then" Hope says as she stepped up to Matthew.

"STOP!" Both eyes shock to the door revealing a small 5 year old boy.

Hope looked over to her son and only frowned a bit because it was nothing she could do.

"Daddies sorry" Matthew smirked as he watched hopes face expression.

"He's not your son, and you will stop this, I'm already planning on killing you.. don't make it faster than it's going to be" Hope threatened.

"Well see, Elliot hates you, as a matter of fact I don't even think he likes being near you and who's you to say that he has to stop saying he's my son?.. you must be some kind of devil to take happiness aways from a little boy-"

"My little boy.. and I'm not taking anything from him because I would give him the world.. no matter how long I've known him.. I still love him, because he's my son, and whatever the fuck you got going on with trying to take my kids.. it has to stop, have some kids of your own, will ya?" Hope smirked

This caused Matthew to smirk and Hope face faded to confusion "I already asked Josie and she agreed to trying for a baby, she says that she would be more than happy to have a baby with me and that it will hold us closer.. she even ranted more and more about how my sex is insane-" Matthew was cut off when Hope punched the shit out of him sending him down to ground.

Henrik sipped his tea as he watched the whole thing go down "do something great uncle rik!" Elliot says

"They'll be fine, plus Matthew needs a lesson" henrik says before walking out of the kitchen.

Elliot started to panic when he saw Hope rip the wood off the chairs leg and try to drive it into Matthew's heart. Matthew blocked it and kicked hopes feet down. He smirked at this move and grabbed the stake to stab Hope but Hope kicked it away.

It wasn't going to kill her but it sure as hell would hurt. "Pass me that will you?" Matthew asked Elliot.

"Don't pass it to him eli" Hope says as she met eyes with her son. "Don't do it.. for me" Hope was trying to break the stupid black magic thing away and she was trying to connect with the boy but she didn't know if it would be much of an impact.

Elliot looked between Matthew and Hope and he backed away from them both and ran. Apart of Elliot was breaking through only because when he met eyes with his mother, all he could see was how good and pure Hope was and he got the senses and he felt safe, on the other hand with Matthew.. it felt forced, something he didn't like.

Hope punched Matthew and Matthew fell to the side as Hope got up from the floor, "I know it was you" Hope says

Matthew smiled with bloody dripping from his mouth "you don't know a damn thing, and I advise you to stay away from Josie because as said before.. she's going to be my baby mother, and my fiancé soon.. wouldn't want to have to kick your ass for fucking with her" Matthew says as he got up from the floor mid way.

Hope kicked him back down with blood spitting out. Hope couched down to meet level with him. Hope then grabbed his hair to pull his head back "she's my fiancé, and that's my baby mother.. she's nothing to you.. and you are nothing.. you will never be nothing, many people I know would have killed you by now.. but I want you to suffer, I want you to fear every step you take, every breath that leaves you until I decide when you will have that very last breath, you have Josie fooled, but I promise you that I won't stop until I get my girl back.. and I will never let go enjoy your last few breaths" Hope voice was low and husky, so much so that you can hear the brutal tones through out her rant.

Hope let go of Matthews hair only to look up and meet eyes with Josie.

Josie was stunned as well as Hope, Hope only really cared about if Josie heard the whole thing she just said.

"Hope.." Josie started off but Hope silenced her as she put her hand up. "Hope I-"

"I'm going out for the day.." Hope excused herself before walking pass Josie.

"You aren't going to help me?" Matthew asked as Josie looked from Matthew and then to the door that Hope just walked out of.

"Uhh.. just a minute" Josie says before she vamp after Hope.

When she caught up to Hope, Hope grew confused "what? What are you doing here? You are suppose to be with your future baby dadd-"

"-hope I need to talk to you.. and it can't wait because I already feel guilty for hiding all these feelings inside me" Josie blurted out.

"What?" Hope asked as she turned her whole focus to Josie.

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