Twelve|| "you two just love drama"

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The next day, Hope, Elliot, Olivia and Josie started to make their way back to mystic falls. It was a long flight but yet they managed to get there without any magic outburst or any tantrums.

"Josie I have something to tell you before this all blows over and comes back to bite me in the ass-"

"- I know hope." Josie says

Hope then raised her eyebrow "You do?" Hope asked

Josie nodded her head "yeah, and I'm ready too, I'm ready to love you and hold you and never let you go.. because you didn't deserve that.. you don't deserve following after me and I don't care if I just got out of a relationship.. my heart always was with you so no matter what.. I will always and always have loved you." Josie took hopes hand. "I'm in love with you too hope. I never stopped loving you and if you want to give this a go.. I'll be willing to try"

Hope was stunned, she wasn't trying to ask Josie out again, she was trying to tell Josie about Emily but the confession that Josie just made had made hopes eyes widen. Elliot and Olivia smiled over at Hope waiting for her to answer.

"I would love nothing more than to be with you jo..I just really need to tell you something" Hope says as Josie frowned a bit.

"Well what is it that you have to stop in the middle of the airport to say?" Josie asked

"It's about my death.. and about a girl named Emily Petrova." Hope searched Josie eyes before she continued on with regret.


"Good morning pretty girl, what do you want to do today?" Lizzie asked as she took the cereal down from the fridge.

"Whatever you want to do auntie Lizzie" ellie smiles as Andrew and Jenna joined the table.

Andrew face lit up as Mg walked into the kitchen with a plate full of beignets. "Oo, daddy can I get some?" Jenna asked as her eyes lit up as well.

Mg nodded "you guys can have whatever you want" Mg assured as he set the plate down.

"Your parents and siblings are at the airport, they found out what was wrong with your sisters magic and uncle Henrik drove them home." Lizzie smiled over at ellie who could barely understand what Lizzie was saying.

"Sorera o miru no ga machi kiremasen" Ellie says with a smile as she pours her cereal into the bowl.

Lizzie and mg exchanged looks "what?" Lizzie asked

"It's Japanese for 'can't wait to see them' Ellie and I have been taking lessons" Jenna assured

The two simply nodded before Lizzie got a text. "Actually you can't stay long Ellie, your mothers want you home as soon as possible, so grab your slippers and your sweater so we can get going." Lizzie says as she walks from the other side of the counter top and then over to ellie. "Maybe tomorrow you can come over with your siblings as well, I'm taking your cousins to a pool party, for Andrew friend, billy" Lizzie smiled as she picked up Ellie.

"Okay.. I have to ask mommy, and mama first." Ellie says

"And which one is mama, because I get confused" Lizzie says as they walk over to Ellie's sweater and helped her put it on.

Ellie didn't say anything because she didn't want to rudely say their first name. "Is Hope your mama?" Lizzie asked fully understanding why Ellie didn't reply back.

Ellie shook her head as Lizzie nodded "well your mommy is about to hear a lot of crap from your aunt Lizzie if she doesn't let you and your siblings go with us tomorrow" Ellie only chuckled.


Olivia and Elliot ran into the house and Josie crossed her arms. "Josie you have to understand that I wasn't in the right mind state." Hope tried to put her hands onto Josie's.

Josie moved her hand back " that's not an excuse" Josie scoffed

"You have no right to be mad at me, I'm sure you had plenty of sex with Matthew while I was gone" Hope shook her head.

Josie groaned "I-I.." Josie couldn't get the right words out.

"Exactly, so I don't want to hear none of that shit about what I've done." Hope snapped

Josie shook her head " I don't go around sleeping with people that tried to kill my kids!" Josie yelled as she walked into house. Josie then tried to slam the door but Hope caught it and walked in.

"We both are wrong and everything is complicated." Hope says

The door bell than rung. "I'll get it" Josie says before she walked over to the door and opened it right up.

"Mama!" Ellie squealed as she ran and gave Josie a hug. Josie smiled as she returned the hug. "I've missed you.." ellie says as she pulled away from the hug.

Ellie than ran over to Hope "mommy!" Ellie jumped onto hope as Hope caught her with excitement.

"My baby! How was your day?" Hope says as she trailed off and into the living room.

Josie smiled and then rolled her eyes "what's going on with you two?" Lizzie asked

Josie looked back at Ellie and Hope before walking out of the house with lizzie. "While I was grieving, the first couple of months with her death.. Hope was fucking some girl Emily.. and that same Emily was working with finch to kill us with the stake, now someone brought her back and she's after us. She even admit to sending others after the kids and I, yet Hope still had sex with her" Josie crossed her arms.

Lizzie chuckled "you two just love drama.. and you can't be mad jo, Seeing as you slept with the man that actually killed Hope and on top of that he abused your daughter.. you really have no right or room to be mad" Lizzie says in a more serious tone.

"What the hell do you mean that Matthew killed Hope? And he did what to Olivia ?" Josie scoffed as her eyes slightly readjusted

This was all new information to her.


Hope smiled as she was about to walk over to Josie but she felt something hit her.

Josie looked up and she could see a figure stabbing Hope.

The figure was taller than Hope and he had on one thing that didn't go unnoticed.

A watch that was made in custom panels, it was one of its kind and nobody wore it nowadays, only one person she knew.

But she wasn't in the right mind state for all of that l.

"NOOO!" Josie called out as she watched the red oak stake drive through hopes heart.

End of flashback:

Josie came to realization. "If you know this.. why wouldn't you tell me?" Josie asked as she crossed her arms

Lizzie eyes widen "Hope didn't tell you? Oh god" Lizzie says as she steps back a little

"And Hope knows about it?" Josie eyes only widen slightly.

"I have to go" Lizzie says before vamping off.

Josie shook her head before storming back into the house. She was about to go off on Hope but she saw that Hope, the twins and Olivia were having their very own tickle fight. All she could hear was laughs and giggles.

Josie smiled at the 4 before she saw Hope phone light up. Josie took hopes phone from the counter and went into the next room.

"Hello hope, I got your first clue if you want to find me.. we can play a little like we use to" Emily says with a hint of seduction in her voice.

"This isn't Hope, it's her fiancé" Josie clarified as Emily only chuckled.

"What are you doing on hopes phone josette?" Emily asked

"Stop calling her, leave my family alone or I will make you suffer, worse than Matthew is suffering right now.. and if you don't, I will rip your fucking head off, so back off bitch"

"You don't scare me.. and Hope won't be your fiancé for long.. we have lots of business to tend to.. you'll only be an distraction.. Although this was fun.. I have a son to deal with.. bye now"

The line clicked leaving Josie more pissed than ever. When were they ever going to just be a normal family again?

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