Fifteen|| "are you ready?"

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"Don't worry, if you've heard about my family, that's just them, I'm not like them in anyway, I'm more chill, and even if this is fucked up to say, I'm glad that I never met my father or grandmother" Ana says with a smile

"And who is your father?" Hope asked as Josie nudged her in her side. Josie didn't want hope to seem so nosy so she tried to keep her under control.

Ana frowned "umm, his name was matthew I believe, I don't know much about him." Ana paused before sliding her hand into her back pocket "it was nice meeting you guys but I have to go" Ana says before walking over to her car.

Josie and Hope exchanged looks before they walked over and got into the car.

"You don't find that suspicious?" Hope asked as she took off out of the driveway. Hope turned to glance at Josie and then back at the road "you don't find that suspicious?" Hope repeated

"If we just mind our business then we won't have to worry about Ana or the Al rashid family at all." Josie assured before looking back at the twins who were already sleep. "What's going on with these two sleepy heads, why are they so tired?" Josie asked Olivia who just shrugged her shoulders.

Josie turned back to Hope "this is going to be one long day" Josie sat back in the car's seat.


"Go greet your cousins, they should be here in any minute" Lizzie says to Andrew and Jenna.

The twins ran over to the door as Mg and walked up to Lizzie. "Are you ready?" Mg asked before kissing Lizzie on the cheek.

"It's just a kids party, relax" Lizzie says with a smile before she took Mg hand and walked over to the door.

When they walked out they were met with the Olivia running to hug them. "I would like to say that this is the most happiest I ever seen you" Lizzie smiled as she hugged her niece.

"Thank you for getting this whole going to a party idea, now mom and mama is actually getting together, without any fights so far" Olivia whispered but every vampire in the distance could hear her.

"No problem" Lizzie turned to face Josie and Hope who were practically eye fucking each other. "are we going to get going or are you going to continue to make love with your eyes" Lizzie asked as she crossed her arms.

"KIDS ARE PRESENT!" Olivia yelled in disgust before walking over to Jenna.

Lizzie laughed it off because Olivia reaction reminded her of hopes reaction. It was oddly cute.


They arrived at the party after all the time wasted. The kids had ran off to play while Lizzie and mg went with the other parents that were there and Hope and Josie monitored the kids .

"I love being here with you and the kids" Hope whispered to Josie.

Josie only smiled. They both turned their gaze over to the twins who were playing with their friends. Hope found it oddly cute how all the kids got along and there were no fights.

"I think we should spend more time like this, I love when my family is all together in one place" Hope whispered to Josie.

Josie sighed "it would have been like this if I would have just saw that Matthew was a bad person, I was stupid and dumb."

"Things happen, and I appreciate everything you've done, so I don't want to change a minute with you" Hope says before taking Josie's hand and kissing it.

Josie smiled before their little moment was interrupted "it's good to see you again hope" a voice interrupted them


"Elliot!" Ellie whispered as she yanked Elliot's sweater.

"Not now ellie" Elliot pushed Ellie hand away as he smiled at ava and billy "I could totally have a sleep over at your house tonight" Elliot says proudly.

"No you can't, you know how mama is about that" Olivia says as she walked up to the 4 kids.

Ellie couldn't stop moving she just kept pacing around. Olivia looked at her oddly . "What's wrong ellie?" Olivia asked her younger sister.

"Who cares, I think you should totally ask your mom can you stay over.. or else you won't be as cool" billy says with a grin.

Olivia crossed her arm "my brother doesn't have to be cool to hang around with little kids like you" Olivia grew more furious than ever.

"Olivia.." ellie muttered as she yanked Olivia's sweater.

"Not now ellie!" Olivia says before turning around over to billy.

Ellie couldn't take it anymore she felt like she was on the verge of exploding. Before she knew it tears was falling out of her eyes. That wasn't the only thing that was falling down. When ellie looked down at her pants she could see her pants were wet. That only made her cry even more.

Olivia, billy, Ava and Elliot all heard the leaking sound and they turned over to ellie. "Did you just pee yourself?" Billy asked before laughing.

Ellie looked at them in fear before running off. "I don't think you should stay at my party, your sister is a loser and my mom says apples never fall far from trees" billy says before running off


"What the hell do you want from me?" Hope asked as she stepped in front of Josie. "What the hell are you even doing at a fucking kids party?" Hope asked as her eyes glowed up gold.

"Haven't you heard me the first time Hope? You will and forever will be my pet, and I will haunt you in your ways until I get what's mine.. I'm also here because this is my sons party" Emily smirked

"What the hell do you mean.. your son?" Josie spoke up this time.

"Just exactly how I said it." Emily smirked

Before either Hope or Josie could answer ellie had ran over to them and hugged them. "What's the matter el?" Hope asked as she went to pick her up.

That's when Hope realized "hey.. it's going to be okay, let's go get you cleaned up and then we can go home so you can get a bath" Hope smiled

"B-but I peed on myself.. I'm a loser" ellie pouts. Josie pouted along with her 5 year old daughter as Hope raised her eyebrow

"Hey sweetheart, you aren't a loser for having an accident.. it's okay to make mistakes and do wrong things, that way we can learn from them" Hope says before kissing ellie on her forehead.

"Yeah, but I don't know about learning from your mistakes seeing as your mama and mommy had 3 accidents" Emily smiled so innocently. Before Hope could say anything Josie had spoke up.

"I'll handle this.." Josie says with a smirk tracing her lips. "And it won't take long"

Hope smiled before pecking Josie on the lips. "We'll be right back" Hope says before her and ellie walked off.

Billy then ran over to Emily "MOM! THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL ME!" Billy yelled

Olivia and Elliot walked over to the trio with a smirk on their faces "maybe don't test me and my family and we won't.." Olivia crossed her arms.

"And you will say sorry to my sister" Elliot crossed his arms matching Olivia's

"My family could never be happy, but we will be.. because I'm going to kill you and every trace of your existence" Josie threatened as she walked up closer to Emily. "Because you don't fuck with a mikaelson"

Emily smirked "well then I have news for you... you aren't a mikaelson"

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