Thirteen|| "I really did want to sleep with you.."

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Josie placed hopes phone back on the counter as she walked into a living room with no one in there. Josie thought it was odd seeing as they were having a whole tickle fest a few minutes ago.

"Jealousy is hot on you" Hope whispered from behind Josie as Josie jumped and turned to face Hope.

"Hope I-" Josie was cut off when she saw the smirk on hopes face.

Hope tilted her head as she slid her tongue at just the edge of her teeth. "It's fine Josie, if I knew you were going to be this possessive I would have been trying to get you this way none stop" Hope paused as her eyes flashed gold for only a second "it's hot"

Josie crossed her arms "Sit. Now." Josie demanded as Hope did exactly that. It was really odd.

"You tell me everything about Emily and you tell me now!" Josie crossed her arms as she walked up to Hope who was now sitting on the couch.

"What is it that you want to know?" Hope asked as she laid back against the couch.

"You can start by telling me how do you know her.." Josie says

"I met her when I had my humanity off, a few loose cannons but she was there to help me with my addiction to killing, although it was a fun time, when I got my humanity back we cut paths" Hope admits as she looks Josie up and down from head to toe . "You know you're truly beautiful, right?" Hope asked in a whisper.

Josie tried her best to contain her smile that was creeping on her face. "Hope, we will never fix our problems if you just want to push them away all the time" Josie admits.

Hope shook her head "you're right, sorry.." Hope paused before leaning forward into the chair "Emily was just someone that helped me for a long time and I didn't know she teamed up with Matthew and finch, and as much as I would love to kill her for it, and go back in time and not sleep with her.. I can't, if I kill her then you guys get sent back to another universe with her, it's some spell that she casted on me when I was vulnerable" Hope admits

Josie got to thinking "so what if I was to kill her... then what?" Josie asked

"If you were to kill her then, she would be dead.. she's hella dangerous and the only thing that can kill her is me.. no one has the magic that I have" Hope admits as she pinches the bridge of her nose.

Josie pulled her lip into a thin line "the kids do" Josie admits as she looked every but hopes direction. "They can kill Emily in seconds and this may be dangerous but-"

"The answer is no Josie, I will not sacrifice our kids.. that's like killing them either way" Hope scoffed

"You don't believe in them?" Josie asked as she crossed her arms.

Hope shook her head "don't be like that.. you know damn well I believe in them, but I'm not risking our kids life for that when I can find another way.. there's always another way" Hope says as she got a little defensive.

"Okay.. I guess we will cross that bridge when we get to it, right now we will just have fun with our lives and make the best of it.. right?" Josie asked

Hope sighed "we should live our life, like every days the last.. with no care in the world, because no matter how depressing this sounds.. everyone dies.. immortals even find ways to die." Hope says sadly.

"Well then I guess you don't want to talk about the twins and the whole merge thing then.. because I'm not going to tell them when it's too late." Josie admits

"And you think it's okay to tell your 5 years olds that they are going to have to merge at 22.. we can tell them when it's time, and we shouldn't even be thinking about this.." Hope says

Olivia then walked into the living room "mama?" Olivia asked as both Josie and Hope looked over at her.

"Yes sweetheart?" Josie asked as she raised her eyebrow.

"The twins are sleep.. I was just on my way to bed now.. is there anything you two need before I get to bed?" Olivia asked as she brought her hands to her hair and flipped her loose waves to the side.

"No thank you sweetie.. do you want anything before you go to sleep?" Josie asked with Hope nodded along.

Olivia bit her bottom lip. She then ran over to Josie and hugged her before she ran over to hug Hope. "Can you guys promise me everything will be okay?" Olivia asked

"Of course, they always have been" Hope assured

Olivia shook her head "no they haven't, things have always been up and down, and I know you two are fighting a lot.. which is a little overwhelming seeing as I feel like I'm the only person holding this family together" Olivia finally admitted

Hope looked up at Josie as she ran her hands in a circular motion on Olivia's back so Olivia wouldn't cry. "I promise you that me and your mama are working things out, we are just having a little bit of a hard time falling back into our old habits, but I can promise you that it will get better" Hope promised as she held out her pinky.

"Promise?" Olivia asked as she frowned a bit as she linked her pinky with hopes.

"I promise" Hope says as she kissed the top of Olivia's forehead. "Now, get some sleep" Hope whispered as she pulled back to face Olivia.

Olivia nodded before walking over to Josie who kissed her on her forehead as well. "I'll be up to tuck you in soon" Josie says

Olivia smiled before walking upstairs and into her room.

"She's right.. we shouldn't put this pass us but we should work past it.. if that makes sense" Hope sat back on the couch.

"We can talk about this more later, or tomorrow.. we should get to sleep.. if you  would like, you can sleep with me" Josie assured

Hope only smirked "I really did want to sleep with you.." hope trailer off as she took her fingers laces between the mini straps of Josie's shorts and pulled Josie close to her to the point the brunette fell down on Hope.

"I think maybe we should stay here for just a little.. have a little fun, just maybe?" Hope says in a low tone as her eyes gazed down at Josie's lips.

Josie smirked as she let herself straddle Hope. "Or we could take this upstairs.. it's a little inappropriate to do this on a couch while the kids can walk by any minute." Josie whispered as she gripped her body more so on Hope.

Hope could feel the heat filling her body. Hope smirked before vamping them both upstairs. Hope then made her way over to the bed with her landing on top of Josie with Josie legs wrapped around her waist. "Now, where were we?" Hope whispered as she lowered her lips towards Josie's.

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