17 L I B E R A T E D 17

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After school, my mother gave me strict orders to head straight home so I could start preparing myself for Carmela's event.

I didn't listen.

I changed out of my school clothes into my raggedy get-up from the other day. I shoved my school clothes into my book bag and bought an Uber to Upper Aster Waters. I finally had a target, but my heart was sending me mixed signals.

This was the place that was going to help me reach this epic euphoric feeling within me and also show my old friend group that I'm not just a thieving whore of no good treasures. I amount to something.

Or, maybe I'm just stuck on proving my value to people.

"Here?" the Uber driver asked me.

"Yeah, this is good."

I had her drop me off a block away from Carmela Did Dis, my hands shaking as I made the slight uphill trek through the fancier part of Aster Waters.

I'm really doing this.

Will Vonna recognize me?

No, she probably hasn't even thought about me.

I made it to the boutique doors and nerves gripped my chest tight. I had been preparing all week for this. It's now or never. They probably had their worst employees on duty anyways- tonight was Carmela's big event after all.

Hopefully, my mom wouldn't send out a citywide search on me before I could get in and out with some things from here. This means so much more to me than some lousy event centered on trying to kiss ass to other businesses.

I entered the store without making eye contact with anyone. I tried to look casual, but I was sweating so hard that my sunglasses kept slipping down my nose and my pits were starting to drip.

I shakily grabbed a pair of earrings and shoved them into my pockets. I risked a glance up, but saw that the store was packed. Good, nobody would be focused on me. Remembering what Onella had to say, I then grabbed a compact makeup kit and shoved it into my pocket too.

My hand was reaching for one more thing when a hand clamped down on my shoulder.


I froze instantly, dropping the 3-pack of scrunchies out of my hands. "No," I said in my best impression of a deep voice. A tall bulking figure now blocked my view on one side and Vonna stood to the other.

Shamefully, I let her snatch the sunglasses off of my eyes. "Liberty, what the hell?"

"It was a prank?" I gave her a nervous smile.

"Do you know her?" the bulky guy asked Vonna.

"Yeah. You can go," she nodded at him. I watched him move down the aisles, then I slowly slid my eyes back to Vonna. "Is this some...plot your mother sent you to do, or something? I don't understand."

"It was me. Look, I'll put everything back-

"I don't understand why you're doing this. And if you're gonna steal, why at an accessory store? Why not steal something meaningful or something worth it?"

I dumped out everything I had taken, gaining the attention of a few nosy customers. Vonna quickly grabbed my arm, leaving my discarded items on the ground, and pulled me into a back room.

"Look, I gave everything back. And no, my mom didn't send me. She doesn't even know I'm here right now," I sighed.

Great, not only would I most likely get in trouble, I didn't even consider that I could be jeopardizing some of my mother's future business opportunities.

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