39 L I B E R A T E D 39

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It's Monday. And I feel like all eyes are on me. I'm paranoid that everybody knows about my little secret, but A'livia immediately shoots that idea down. "Liberty, are you crazy. Everybody's looking at you because you're walking around with the arm of Carmela Dis Dis's daughter around you," she laughed. "I didn't realize I was much of a celebrity. Nobody ever talks to me," Vonna shrugged.

We were at lunch, and Vonna had skipped to come sit with me for today. Amy was here, and Jeredine and her were working on a Science project for some subject only a small percent of the school takes.

"Yep. Everyone knows that once you get in a relationship, the hoes crawl out of hiding. I'm starting to think that hoes and players are one alike. It's sad that men have a different standard than women," A'livia shook her head, "Hoes like to chase after people they can't get and players do the same-

"Okay, okay. A'livia, nobody wants to hear that about their girlfriend," I complain.

A'livia shrugged. "Jeredine and I talk about it all the time," my best friend said then froze. "Sorry, I probably shouldn't bring her up-

"She's your girlfriend. I'm over the whole thing now, it's fine. If I can talk to you about mine, then you can talk to me about yours," I promised. I still found it weird that Jeredine seemed ready to leap at me if I had admitted I had feelings for her like she did for me, but I kept my mouth shut. That day is long gone and what Jeredine and A'livia have going on ain't none of my business.

"There's Beatrix," Vonna started to stand.

A'livia shot me a confused look. I had forgotten that I didn't get a chance to catch her up on my wild week. She had been out of town with her mother for another "women in business" event, and she had left her phone on her bed.

"Girlll, let me tell you," I started. Once I was done telling A'livia everything, she stared off into space. "You have a wild ass life, you know that Liberty Coolmen?" We watched as Vonna and Beatrix talked over by the windows, the same spot I had walked away from my girlfriend just last week.

"I still can't believe Vonna ever abused her," my friend said softly. "If you ever have any trouble with her, you can come to me, Liberty. Don't hide that. There's phone lines. There's text numbers. There's offices. There's websites. You can come to your friends," she told me seriously.

"I'm going to be fine. I trust her and she trusts me. I believe that she's changed," I say, not sure whether I was trying to convince myself that or A'livia.

We spotted Vonna heading back, Beatrix in tow. I started to talk to A'livia about this new sweater I wanted (a complete lie, they brush against my arm hairs and make me itchy), so it could seem like we weren't being nosy.

"Liberty, you don't even like sweaters," Vonna started. "Shut up," I glared at her. So much for that.

"Hey," Beatrix gave me an awkward wave.

The inner sub in me whimpered at the dominance that seemed to radiate off of Beatrix. Did she get finer everyday?

"Sheeshh," A'livia commented underneath her breath.

"Liberty, me and Beatrix wanted to talk to you," Vonna nodded back over at the windows. "C'mon."

"Be right back," I told A'livia.

I leaned against the cool window sill, staring at them both. "Beatrix wanted to apologize for coming off so aggressively at first. It's just in her nature," Vonna gestured to her ex. "I was only tryna warn you, but I guess Vonna has changed," a haunted look seemed to pass through her eyes.

"I have," Vonna repeated firmly.

"It's okay. I appreciate it, Beatrix," I nodded.

We all awkwardly stood there for a second, and I could feel the burning eyes of an admin looking at us. They couldn't stand when black people stood in groups at my school.

"Can I talk to you alone?"

I glanced at Vonna. It didn't seem like she wanted me to talk to her, but she walked back over to A'livia anyways.

"Why'd you wanna talk to me?" I asked.

"I feel like maybe I was too harsh and direct back in the library," Beatrix admitted. "Let me take you take you to dinner."

I blinked three times, letting out a little laugh. "Von's not even a few feet away and you're still tryna spit game?"

Beatrix only shrugged.

"Beatrix, she's my girlfriend now. And why would I wanna go out with my girlfriend's ex?"

"Because I can show you what she missed out on."

"Beatrix, at the most, we can be acquaintances. We can be cordial," I told her slowly. "I'm not gonna go out on a date with you."

"It's not a date. Just dinner."

"How do you think Vonna would see that? I don't have any interest in you-

"We both know that's a lie. You and your little friend have a thing for me. I can tell. I attract a lot of females so I would know."

"A lot of females? So I'm reduced to a general phrase that is used for every species that has a girl sex? I'm sooo honored, Beatrix."

"We can be friends then. What about that?"

"I don't even wanna be your friend now, Beatrix, what the hell?" I threw up my hands.

"A problem?" Vonna approached us, glancing over at Beatrix.

I looked over at Von, shaking my head. "Nope."

"You sure?" Vonna asked me again.

"Positive," Beatrix stared into my soul.

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