Intermission 4.

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"haaaaaah," Faust let out a long, drawn-out sigh.
"You are really gonna go out? You feel like you don't need a break?" Malmy asked.
"No, I'm fucking furious...This might be my top moment!" Faust roared as he looked up at her with a burning glare. He stood up, allowing his blond hair to shake a bit. His brown eyes were sharp and twitching from anger. He grabbed his trenchcoat and walked toward the door. He softly touched the object on his back.
"Let's go, boy." He said with a grin. 
"Ricky..." Malmy said.

Faust kept walking as the bandages on his back began to move.
"Easy boy. Easy." Faust said. A spike shot out the bandage, cutting into Faust's back.
"I know you're hungry, but you have to wait just a bit more." Faust grinned at his back, letting the blood drip down into the corridor.
"I'm bringing home a victory...for you, Arti," Faust growled as he kept walking.

Damien poked his head into the infirmary. Kotoha was sitting in her hospital bed, bandages over her right eye and a distant look in her eye as she looked out the window at the blue sky.
"Is she okay?" Delilah asked.
"I don't know. She hasn't moved. I'm unsure if she is even breathing." Sakana said.
"Why not go talk to her?" Librisca asked.
"You go," Damien said. 

"Oh, stop it now!" Angelise kicked the door open, walking toward Kotoha with a pep in her step and a spin of her cane.
"How're you feeling, darling?" Angelise asked with a bright smile under her mask.
"Oh, hello." Kotoha smiled.
"Oh, you look lost and tired, my darling girl. Smile! You never fully dressed without one!" Angelise slammed her cane into the ground, allowing some smoke to come out of her mask.
"BUt I am?" Kotoha asked.
"Not that weak one. You were our cheerleader, and you damn well know that I need your cheers if I am to win the next round, darling." Angelise laughed.
"Sorry, it's just hard." She said, looking down.
"Oh, darling-" Angelise placed a finger on her chin, raising it.
"It shall all be okay. I will give us one more beautiful victory!" Angelise threw her hands out into the air.
"Oh? You really going out and fighting?" Kotoha asked.
"Of course! I came here to do just that, fight for my beautiful nation!" Angelise walked around the room, spinning her cane as she laughed. 
"I'm surprised you can laugh so carefree." Damien walked into the room.
"Well, one of us has to have the chipper tone, aren't we?" Angelise drew him in with a laugh. Damien joined in.
"Now, my comrades. Let us all rejoice that I'm heading out so we can laugh harder when I return!" Angelise prompted. 
"I just can't smile." Kotoha looked down. Angelise laughed and then sat down next to Kotoha, placing a hand on top of the girl's head.
"We understand, darling. We understand. Can you make me a promise then?" Angelise asked.
"Yes?" Kotoha asked.
"That you will give me the biggest and brightest smile when this is over. When the fight is over?" Angelise asked.
"I will try." Kotoha smiled a bit. Angelise stood up, spinning around on her heel.
"I will head to the arena gate. You guys will see me out there in just a moment!" Angelise walked out of the room.

"Just a moment." Leaun looked at her as she entered the hall.
"Is it finally time?" Angelise turned to him.
"You've been taking notes ever since you came here...why?" Leaun asked.
"Well, to be blunt with you, my bearded fellow. I've been studying our opponents on the watchtowers, trying to figure them out. I came  to the conclusion that facing this guy might be my best bet of surviving." Angelise grinned.
"I see." Leaun looked at her.
"I have to survive, right? Or I can fulfill my promise with Kotoha." Angelise sounded genuine. Leaun was taken aback.
"You thought I was some shady character, right? Let me prove to you that my heart beats for Betamorion and only that." Angelise walked toward the gate.
"Hey, Durand." Leaun looked at her.
"Yes?" Angelise stopped.
"Don't go dying on us," Leaun said. Angelise threw a hand into the air, waving as she walked away. 

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