Round 8. The Creator Vs. The Magician 5

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Malmy would stare at Librisca and then look a bit in front of her. She felt a cold sweat as she could see something flicker in reality. It would look like a string, and the string was vibrating lightly. She didn't know if what she saw was true, but an instinct deep in her would recognize that if Librisca reached that area, there would be no turning back. 
"ELIYAHU!" Malmy roared as a giant version of the golem appeared from the ground and swung its arm at Librisca. She would just pluck one more string as the whole golem would vanish. Malmy would scream, moving her arms as fast she could, making more of them, but each and every one of them would vanish before they reached her. She would reach a hand into the air to make a rock hand grab Librisca, but it would break. As she was walking, you could see the strings around her—the fabric of reality. Malmy would scream in violence, trying to reach for Librisca to stop, but every action would be removed before it even reached her. The girl was a walking god. Malmy would reach toward her, stumbling off the plate. The moment her foot hit the ground, her version went blurry.

A lone teenager would sit on a bench with his eyes staring into space. Malmy would look at him from afar, adjusting her orange hair slightly and then walking toward him.
"A-ahem. What you doing out here, Arti?" She asked. The white-haired short boy would look up at her with his beige iris. He would adjust his white dress shirt slightly but still not fix it completely. He would softly tap his wooden cane on the ground.
"Just taking a moment to relax," Arti said with a smile. Malmy would smile and sit down next to him.
"You always enjoyed the bird songs," Malmy said.
"I have. I'm surprised you remembered." Arti said with a caring smile in her general direction.
"Well. We've been together for long." She said with a smile.
"The corruption has spread. Tangalorain fell, and we are next." Arti said as he stood up, moving forward using his cane.
"Yeah." Malmy turned serious. Arti's ear twitched.
"What was that?" Arti asked, turning toward her. Malmy looked surprised.
"Your voice changed for a moment," Arti said as he looked toward her.
"My voice?" She smiled.
"It seems back." Arti smiled warmly. 
"Huh?" Malmy looked at him. She saw the young boy walk toward her and offer his hand. she would take it, and as he got a grasp of her, he would let go instantly, tracing her arm to her shoulder and then her cheek. He let his hand rest on her cheek as, with a smile, he said.
"I like your voice most when it is cheery. I don't need to hear your sadness, but all I want to is for you to be happy, Malmy." Arti said. Malmy would look at him with a surprised look. She would smile slowly. Arti would not be able to see it, but he could feel it through his hand and the moment she smiled, he would smile back. He would let go of her face, leaving her blushing as he walked down the road.
"Shall we get going?" He asked.

A few weeks later, Malmy would be practicing her magic, but she would do it kinda meh-ish. She wasn't putting her all into it, knowing her power could even surpass that of Vermon. She would just throw rocks at targets or create the minimum while sitting on a rocky chair. 
"Malmy, we need your powers. We need you to defend from the conquest squad from the newly Betamorion!" A soldier shouted. Malmy looked over at him.
"Really. But I'm sitting so nicely here." She sighed. It was a bother. Traveling all the way out there only to just beat them quickly and then back.
"Come now, at least put in some effort, right?" Arti asked as he came walking. Malmy would blush as she saw him.
"At least help our fellowmen," Arti said. Malmy blushed brightly and nodded.
"Of c-course, but I still have a few things to do here...Maybe if I could." Malmy turned to the ground, raising a hand.
"I feel it..." She said as she rose a hand into the air. The first golem to be created.
"What is that?!" The soldier shouted. The golem looked around.
"Umm...Eliyahu." She said. The soldier looked at the golem.
"Eliyahu...I need you to help this shoulder fight." She said. The golem made its rumbling noise and walked up to the soldier.
"T-thanks." The soldier said as he walked away. The golem would follow him.
"Wait might need a few." She said, raising more golems.
"Got my army of Eliyahus!" She shouted. All of them would walk after the first one.
"THe power to create life. You  truly are magnificent." Arti said as he turned toward her. She would blush.
"Keep working like that, and we truly will have an ace up our sleeve." Arti smiled warmly. 
"T-thanks, Arti." She said with a smile. He would nod. 
"Now, I will go check up on Ricky." He said as he walked off. She would smile as he walked away.
"I l-" She mumbled something at him, but he didn't hear. She smiled as he walked away, going back to training.

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