By the time Aubrey and Destiny made it to the hospital, news of the elevator's failed operation reached the top Toronto news networks. Right before Aubrey turned off the car, the radio station reported on the story. His jaw tensed, and he cursed under his breath.
"It will be okay," Destiny told him.
"I try to dig my company out of the pile of shit that keeps getting thrown on it," he said. "But no matter what I do, shit keeps happening." He turned off the engine and stepped out of the car. Loosening his tie, he walked around the car. "You could have been hurt. Brian could have been hurt. More employees could have been in that elevator with you. How can I ask for my staff to come back to work tomorrow, when the office is like a minefield?"
"We'll figure it out," she vowed. "In the meantime, let's just appreciate the fact that no one was seriously hurt. This situation could have played out a lot worse."
He nodded and dropped his hands at his sides. "You're right. And I am grateful that you're both okay. I am. My mind is just in a million places at once. I want to keep the Graham Enterprises out of the news. We were doing so well, and then this."
"Which is why I'm glad that Sullivan is going to investigate what caused the elevator malfunction," she said as she started to walk towards the hospital entrance.
He walked alongside her. "There was something you wanted to tell me, back at GE."
"Yeah." She wrapped her arms around herself. "Zorica left the conference room as soon as the meeting was over."
"Okay," Aubrey said, wondering if he looked as confused as he felt. "And?"
"And Palmer was able to get to Jeremiah. And Bridgette."
Aubrey narrowed his eyes. " think that Zorica is working for Palmer, and that she had something to do with the elevator nearly killing you?" He couldn't keep the doubt out of his voice.
"Is it really that far-fetched?" Destiny asked him. "After everything we've seen, everything we've been through?"
An image of Bridgette's and Steve's dead bodies popped into his head. He dropped his gaze. "I wouldn't say it's impossible, it's just...hard to believe, I guess."
"She was also asking me questions about why you and Brian and I are always around each other," Destiny said. "I mean...this is all speculation and it could just be me being paranoid, but I think it's worth looking into. I also think it's worth all of us being extra careful around her."
"Understood," he responded. "And you're right. We can't be too careful."
"Especially knowing that Darius wants us to testify at Palmer's trial," she said emphatically.
The thought hadn't even occurred to him, but the fact that they all were set to testify at Palmer's trial would give Palmer motive to kill them. But how would Palmer know that Destiny and Brian would get on that exact elevator? There would be no way for him to know that...unless... His jaw squared. Unless that elevator isn't the only elevator that was fucked with. If Palmer was involved with this, it wouldn't just be the one elevator that is messed up. It would be all of them. Which means that it's a good thing the building is shut down, and an extra good thing that Sullivan is checking on the other elevators.
Destiny insisted on taking the stairs to the floor Brian's room was located on. Just the sight of the hospital elevator made her frightened enough to reach out and grab Aubrey's hand. He walked with her up the stairway. Thankfully, Brian's room was only on the third floor.
50 Shades of Drake 3 and 4
FanfictionAubrey Graham and Destiny Richards thought that their biggest dilemma was deciding whether or not a relationship between the two of them could last through the tests of time. As a result of Aubrey namedropping a shady politician in a rare interview...