Mysterious Announcement.

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"we hesitate to let go
because we held on for too long"

Romeo De Santis

I sat down in-front of my father. "What was the important thing you needed to tell me"

He looked at me "I need you too meet with the Torres mafia leader next week I won't be able to, I have a business trip so I want you to go"

I looked at my father in shock "we're doing business with the Torres mafia". They're the most powerful mafia in the world, they don't do alliances with anyone. "Yeah, so don't ruin it. We need this alliance, they have weapons we don't have and need, and we have information and the best spies which they need, that's what led him to finally agree and work with us".

"I won't father"

"Also we have a special dinner later tod-" he got a call which interrupted him.

"Okay" "I'm on my way" he hung up and looked at me. "As I was saying we have a family dinner tonight, almost every mafia is gonna be here, I have an important announcement for you".

"Okay, what is it about".

He looks at me "it's a surprise, trust me you'll love it" he pats my shoulder.

I went to speak but he cut me off "I have to leave I have some business to take care of".

I stood up, "okay father" and walked out.

What could the announcement be I wondered heading to the kitchen. I see Bruno and Matteo waiting for mom to finish the pancakes she was cooking. Mom cooking that's shocking we usually have the maids cook.

"Hey honey do you want some pancakes" she gives me a smile.

"Yeah I'll have some" i walk up to her and she hands me a plate with two pancakes.

"Why does he get the first two" Bruno says while pouting and crossing his arms.

"Because I have to go to the office" i look at him while putting syrup on my pancakes.

"But I'm the youngest i should get them first".

"No i should" Matteo says.

"No i should" Bruno says pinching Matteo.

"Mom look at your little troll".

"Bruno" mom looks at him.

Bruno sticks his tongue out to Matteo and Matteo does the same. I chuckle and grab a fork and start eating.

Mom hands Bruno his plate with pancakes he grabs them, places the plate down grabbing his tablet and puts on some YouTuber called Quackity.

Mom then hands Matteo his plate and Matteo puts his phone down and grabs the plate and watches YouTube with Bruno.


Alessandro is my other brother he's 15. Alessandro walks into the kitchen with his phone in his hands and places it down grabbing his plate and sits down on the other side of Bruno all 3 of them start watching the YouTuber.

 Alessandro walks into the kitchen with his phone in his hands and places it down grabbing his plate and sits down on the other side of Bruno all 3 of them start watching the YouTuber

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(thats the kitchen in case y'all wanted to know not important but it's just so y'all can imagine😭).

"Kids we have an important dinner with other mafia leaders and their family's so I want all you 4 to look your best today we have something important to celebrate".

"Wait is the grem-" mom looks at Alessandro with a mad face.

They've never liked Chloe, mainly because she's a bitch to them except Bruno. So they call her "troll" "gremlin" "creature" the list goes on.

"I mean is Chloe gonna be here".

"Yes, shes your brother's girlfriend so she has to be here for the important announcement".

"Ugh" Alessandro sighs.

"What's the announcement about" Matteo ask while still looking at the tablet.

"Can't tell you". "And Alessandro she's really sweet if yo- we'll if both of you got to know her you would know".

"No we're good" Matteo and Alessandro say at the same time.

I finish my pancakes and wash the plate, as I'm heading out I hug my mother "thank you it was delicious".

"Your welcome baby".

As I'm walking out of the kitchen she yells "come home before 7".

"Okay" I yell back.

I head to the garage and pick out my black lamborghini and drive to my fathers building.

As I walk in the receptionist smiles at me "good morning Mr. De Santis".

"Good morning".

I walk to the elevators and step in heading to the 13th floor which is my floor the 14th is my fathers floor.

As I step out of the elevator i hear yelling "WHERE THE FUCK IS ROMEO DE SANTIS". I sigh recognizing the voice just my luck Pedro fucking Castillo.
Authors note:).

this chapter is so boring sooo sorry but next one is better

also the font is like all over the place if that makes sense. I'm to lazy to fix it😭

anywaysssss if you're reading this I LOVE YOU BESTIE<3

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