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"I tried so hard to be
whole for you
but it turns out
you like me better when I'm in pieces"

•Aurora Torres•
It's been 3 week since I took the pregnancy test and it came back positive. I went yesterday with Fernando to get an ultrasound. But I still haven't told Pedro mainly because I'm afraid of how he'll react. I don't know if he's gonna be happy or angry, we've always had talked about having kids but not now, we were planning on having them when I was around 26 not 20, I'm still young. I also don't want my kids to grow up with an abusive father.

But the thought of having a mini me does sound amazing. Since I was little my biggest dream is to be a mother, now I have the opportunity. Maybe the baby will fix my relationship with Pedro and we'll be a happy family. I rubbed my stomach thinking about everything we can do as a family.

Romeo hasn't talked to me since the attack and I haven't reached out either if he wants to talk with me he'll reach out.

I took a sip of my coffee and walked towards the couch I grabbed the remote and let myself fall onto the couch. I started looking for a show on Netflix. After looking and not being able to find a show I turned the tv off and headed upstairs to grab a book. As I walked into my library I saw the book It Ends With Us, laying on the table. Memories filled my mind, suddenly I was back at the cafe library sitting on the couch reading the book to Romeo. A loud bang made me jump and forget about my thoughts. "AURORA" his drunk voice screamed from downstairs. I let out a sigh it's not even 10am.


•Romeo De Santis•
As I walked back into my bedroom with my towel on my waist the smell of bacon and eggs filled the room. I looked at Emily who was holding up a plate with eggs, bacon, and a slice of toast. I smiled at her.
"I thought you were asleep I wanted to surprise you" she said placing the plate on my desk. "You did, thank you amore" I walked over and hugged her, gripping her waist, she wrapped her hands around my neck and I buried my face into her neck.

My phone rang and I let go of her not wanting to. The past weeks we've gotten closer and I think I was truly staring to love her. I answered my call
"Fuck I'll be there in 10 minutes, thank you for reminding me". I forgot I had a meeting with Mr. Torres today at 9:45am and it's 9:35.
"Who was it" Emily asked "it's my assistant she wanted to remind me that I have to be at the office before 9:40 I have a meeting with Mr. Torres and I forgot, I'm sorry I'm not going to eat your food thank you tho" I kissed her lips and ran out.

On my way there I thought about Aurora, I hadn't talked with her since the attack, I wanted to reach out but I don't know if I should.

I finally got to my office in 5 minutes surprisingly, my house is 10 minutes away, I did run some red lights tho and almost cause 2 car crashes.

I put my hand on the detector making the gate doors open. I drove in too park. I stepped out and headed to my office.


Like 3 minutes has passed by when I got a knock on my door. "Mr. De Santi, Mr, Torres is here".
"Let him in". He stepped to my office and I stood up fixing my suit and shaking his hand.

We talked for a bit and he signed the contract to officially become an alliance.


•Aurora Torres•
I woke up on the floor covered in blood I looked around and I was in the basement, I had a strong pain in my stomach making me scream, I looked down and I was bleeding again. I waited for 3 minutes hoping he didn't hear my scream. I tried getting up but my whole body hurt, my knees felt weak. Once I got the strength to finally get up, I walked up the stairs. Luckily Pedro had forgotten to lock the basement door.

I quietly grabbed my phone which was on the table next to him, he was passed out drunk with his head down on the table. Beer bottles were all over the table, broken glass was on the floor, all of our plates were broken, everything was broken or on the floor and there was also blood all over the place even on the walls,

I looked up at the stairs which were covered in blood. My blood was everywhere. I slowly opened the door praying that it wouldn't make noice. I slowly walked out. It was dark outside, the street lights were the only things making me able to see. I walked down the street and called Fernando to come get me.

I walked down the street, holding my stomach, leaving a trail of blood. I walked for 5 minutes before I sat down on the grass. I can't make it to my parents house, i can't go there either my father will kill Pedro.

After 3 minutes of sitting on the grass holding my stomach and bleeding a lot more I saw Fernando's car lights. I stood up to walk towards the car when I felt my knees go weak, everything was spinning and then everything went black.


I woke up and looked around the room, I was in the hospital, I looked to the side and Fernando was there holding my hand, he was asleep. "Fer" he woke up and looked at me "are you okay" "how do you feel" "im gonna go get the doctor", he walked towards the door "excuse me she woke up" he said to a nurse who was passing by "I'll get the doctor to come" she said before walking away.
"Fer I'm okay, but what happened" he looked at me "He beat you, but this time it was to much".
The baby!. "Please tell me the baby is fine". He looked down at the floor and didn't say anything.

"Fer please" my eyes started to tear up. "No please no" a tear rolled down my face as I stared at Fernando. "I'm sorry" Fernando said. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. "He killed my baby" I said my voice cracking. I started to sob uncontrollably, I let out a scream and Fernando came to my side and hugged me.


An hour or 2 has passed since I woke up and found out about my miscarriage, I asked Fernando to not call or tell my parents or siblings. He had left 5 minutes ago I told him to get some rest, he has been here since last night. Pedro knew that I was here but he hasn't stopped by, he just doesn't care.

It was my fault my baby died if I would've stood up to him and did something my baby would still be alive. It's my fucking fault for being weak.

Everything's go to change as soon as I get out of the hospital.

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