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"maybe people promise you forever and eternity because they are incapable of loving you right now."


Romeo De Santis

As I stand in front of the elevator I sigh, my day was going good to be dealing with this idiot. I walk towards to the door, opening it.

As I walk down the hallway, my loud footsteps scare my workers

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As I walk down the hallway, my loud footsteps scare my workers. I hear the yelling get louder as I see my assistant and Pedro there. My assistant trying to calm Pedro down.


"Sir he gets here in about-".

"Can you stop yelling im right here you asshole".

"It's about time".

"I'm sorry sir" my assistant looks at me.

"It's okay go finish your work".

"What do you need Pedro".

Me and Pedro use to get along so well, we used to be best friends but we stopped since his dad stole from my father. His father used to work for mine but he backstabbed my father and robbed him. Which led Pedro's dad to start his own mafia, because of that my father was left basically on the ground. He would always tell me he was the most powerful and strongest once our mafia was on the ground, but we both knew that wasn't true.

The last time we talked he ended up in the hospital which was about 4 years ago. My father didn't even try to get back at Mr. Castillo because he knew he could easily get back up and be the 2nd most powerful, which is true in less than a month. He had gotten back up and was even more powerful than before. Which obviously made Mr. Castillo furious.

"I found out your doing business with the Torres mafia".

"Yeah, you got a problem with that?" I looked at him.

"No i just came to warn you don't get close to my wife or any of her sisters, do you understand" he hissed.

I chuckled "someone's mad that I can steal their wife" I winked at him.

I didn't even know he was married and to a Torres girl I don't even know her but yet I still feel bad for her. He goes to hit me but I block his punch grabbing his wrist and twisting it

"Mr. De Santis need me to call security" my assistant says as I turn back to look at her.

"No he's on his way".

He took the advantage as I was looking at my assistant to punch me with his free arm my head turns to the side, I touch my lip and feel blood.

I grab him by his shirt and punch him. He punches back and we fall to the ground me on top hitting his face over and over. He then gives me a strong punch on my stomach making me fall to the ground making me angry.

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