Going Back.

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"people will only change
when they choose to"

Aurora Torres

I had left with Pedro, since we got into the car he's been apologizing and Ive been forgiving him. People will think I'm dumb for going back but it's not easy letting go of someone who've you've loved for so long.

The memories we've shared, the nights were there was actual love, Ive gotten attached to him and the thought of being without him hurts, yeah he abuses me but he apologizes I know that doesn't make a difference but I just have faith maybe someday the boy I fell in love with will come back.

"I have a surprise for you"  he takes my mind off my thoughts. I turn to him and nod

He pulls his phone out and scrolls on his insta and I face the window staring out admiring the sky. Large pillows of cloud soon started to form, blotting out the old-gold colour of the sun. It has started to drizzle now. The sound of droplets hitting the top of the car, it sounded so peaceful. I slowly traced my finger on the droplets that were on the car window.

Romeo than randomly came to my mind. "The sky looks just as beautiful as you do amore". His words echoing throughout my mind. I soon get flashbacks to the night, the way he gave me so much pleasure, the way his arms were holding me tight not letting me go.

I just want to be in his arms again, only arms I felt safe in, only man besides my father who didn't make me feel scared. Do I like him? No I don't.

"Baby we're here". My thoughts of Romeo were instantly gone, as I go to open the car door, Pedro stops me "don't open it yet".

I didn't open it he got out and I saw him open the trunk which made me nervous and I started shaking, my leg bouncing up and down, I started biting the inside of my lip. He opened the door for me, I stepped out still in fear.

"Don't move im gonna blind fold you."

"Why" you could hear the fear in my voice.

"It's for the surprise".

He blindfolded me and grabbed my hand leading me up the front door steps and into the house. He led me up the stairs of our house and into a room, which I'm guessing is our room.

He took the blindfold revealing the room with 8 balloons with flowers attached at the bottom and flowers on the bed forming a heart.

He took the blindfold revealing the room with 8 balloons with flowers attached at the bottom and flowers on the bed forming a heart

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I turned around and hugged him, he hugged me back his hands on my waist. He lets go and picks up the lights and puts them down on my vanity.

He walks up to me, kissing me, he throws me on the bed and takes his clothes off.

"Take it off princess" i sit up.

He comes on the bed and kisses me, "take it off" he whispers into my ear. So I stop him.

"I don't want too".

He growls "really I spent the whole morning doing this for you and I'm not gonna get a reward".

"You're right im sorry".

He smirks and starts kissing me again, I take my clothes off. Once I was fully naked be pushes me down on to the bed and gets on top kissing me, sucking on my skin leaving me a hickey on the left side of my neck.

All of sudden Romeo came to my mind again the way his soft lips kissed his way down, the way his fingers moved in circles around my clit. The way he pounded his fingers into me, making me moan in pleasure.

I feel Pedro's fingers go in me but they weren't the same. I let out a fake moan, and I saw his lips turn into a smirk.


Seven minutes had gone by Pedro had finished by then and I got up to pee. I was worried, Pedro tried pulling out but he didn't do it in time and came in me. I was on pills but me and Pedro hadn't had sex in over a month and I forgot to take it this week.

I wanted kids but I don't want them to grow up in an abusive house. By the time I came out of the bathroom Pedro had already gotten dressed and kissed my cheek.

"I'm coming home late so don't wait for me."

I sighed "okay".

"I love you."

He walked out before I could reply. "I love you too I guess" I whispered.


Romeo De Santis

I sat in my office trying to do paperwork but Aurora kept coming in to my mind. For some reason I couldn't get her out of my mind, I need to distract myself. I got up and walked out of my office, I turned to my assistant who was working.

"Cancel all my meetings."

"Okay sir."

"Thank you" I walked out and into the elevators pressing the first floor button. I walked out of the elevators and made a left turn.

"Goodbye Mr. De Santis."

"Bye" I walked out of the building and walked towards my car. I started the car and drove home. I walked out and went up to my room to change into sweatpants and a tank top. I walked back down and into the gym we have.

I started lifting up weights, then did push ups and I walked over to the punching bag we have and started hitting it

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I started lifting up weights, then did push ups and I walked over to the punching bag we have and started hitting it. I was letting all my anger out.

"Why can't I get her out of my mind" i hit the punching bag hard making it fall onto the ground. Fuck

"Are you okay" I turned around and saw Chloe standing at the door.

"Yeah" i nodded and she walked up.

"I'm sorry fo-" she stopped me from talking and kissed me.

Her kiss wasn't the same as Auroras. I kissed her back , picking her up and took her up to my room.


I was holding her in my arms, both of us naked. The whole time I fucked her i imagined Aurora, I just met her and can't get her out of my mind what the fuck is wrong with me.

Was I falling for her? No I can't be

But we'll meet in again in a week Aurora.

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