Mystery Girl.

367 9 2

"I will find my way
back to you"

Romeo De Santis

I woke up to the sound of knocking "Mr. De Santis".

"Come in" i said in my morning voice half asleep.

"Sorry to wake you up but the cleaning lady has to clean the room".

"Okay I'll be out in 5 minutes".

He nodded turned around to walk out when I stopped him "what time is it".

He took his phone out and looked down "it's 6:30am".

It's 6am fuck.

"Thank you, you can leave now".

He walked out, once he closed the door I got up and put my clothes on I was gonna take a shower once I got home, I have to figure out where Matteo and Alessandro are at. I fixed my shirt I looked around but my jacket wasn't here, fuck I left it in the vip.

I walked out and saw a young lady who looked around twenty-four waiting for me to leave the room, she winked at me but I ignored her.

i reached the club again and saw nobody but the people who clean, I got to the vip area and see my jacket there, I grab it and walk up to where the security guards were at. They usually help clean too, I walked up to the guy who was picking up cans.

"Hey" he turned around.

"Hello Mr. De Santis".

"Do you know where my brothers are at".

"Yes a man named" he stopped for a second trying to remember "Daniel he came and took your brothers". I sighed in relief Daniel was our driver

"We're they drunk".

He nodded "yeah they were really drunk they couldn't stand up, I had to help the man get them in the car". Fuck my mother and father are gonna be furious at me.

"Thank you" I walked away but turned around, I was gonna ask him one last question.

"Did a girl with long curly hair and a pink dress with fur at the bottom leave the club yesterday".

He paused for a second trying to remember. "Yeah".

"Do you know what time she left".

"She left around 3:30am".

"Did she leave with anyone".

"Yeah she left with a brown skin man with curly brown hair and blue eyes, he had a tattoo sleeve".

The same guy from The Alley and who asked me if my pull game was strong, which it was "did they by any chance flirt or do anything flirty".


"Okay thank you" I noticed the camera that was facing the front door.

"Can you get someone to send me the video of the security cameras".

"Yeah sir I'll have someone take it for you by 11am".

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