•im here•

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Pain shapes a women
into a warrior.

•Aurora Torres•

It's the night of the dinner I talked to my sisters and gave them the news that me and Pedro are officially over. They screamed in excitement and clapped they wanted to tell my father but I told them not to that I was going to attend the dinner. They wanted to come and help me get ready but I told them I want it to be a surprise for everyone.

Since I left him I've felt free. I can finally breathe I don't have to worry anymore. I don't have to ask anyone for permission to go out, I don't get scared that dinner isn't ready, if it was good, that I've slept all day and did nothing, I can go clothes shopping with out having to worry about being back home before him. I'm finally free and it's the feeling I've missed.

I take a sip of my coffee and place it down picking my phone up to check the time. It's 11:30am the dinner is at 7pm but knowing me I have to get ready hours before, I also want to go dress shopping.

I finish my coffee and place the cup in the sink walking towards the door grabbing my keys and putting my shoes on. I walk out and down the stairs.

I start the car and start driving, im going to go pick up Fernando because I can't go dress shopping alone.


•Romeo De Santis•

I slowly open my eyes, I turn to my side and see Chloe getting up and putting on my shirt, before she could stand up I grab on to her waist and rest my head on her lap, her fingers slowly passing through my hair. "Babe I have to get up" she said in her sweet voice. I shake my head "5 more minutes" I try pulling her down but she just sits back up. "I have to get up". I just let her go and sit up. I check the time on my phone it's 10:30am.

We slept in I didn't go to work because of the dinner that I'm having at the Torres house. I could have gone but Chloe wanted to go dress shopping and she wanted me to go with her.

The bad thing about going to this dinner is seeing Aurora and Pedro, there's another reason which is us agreeing to work with the Castillos too, because in order for Mr. Torres to agree to be allies we have to work all together because of the agreement they have.


It's 11:45am and we're on our way to the mall to go find a dress for Chloe. I'm still not sure if other mafias are going to be invited to the dinner so I have to call Mr.Torres to confirm. Me and Chloe still haven't officially told anyone that we're getting married. Mr.Torres does know he was happy for us.

We're planning on making a party to invite all the family's, but Chloe wants it to be special so she's been planning. We might do it next week. Not gonna lie I'm having double thoughts on marrying her she does make me happy but I just can't see myself having a family with her.

"Baby" I turn to my side snapping out of my thoughts "are you going to get off". I nod my head and step out the car and start walking towards the entrance.


We've gone to about 10 stores already and she can't find the "perfect" dress. As we walk down she stops "oh my god look at that dress I need it". She walks ahead and goes into the store. The dress is a black sparkly one.

Romeo and his AuroraWhere stories live. Discover now