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I am mine before
I am anyone else's


It's been a week since the dinner party, I moved in back with my parents. My mom was disappointed because me and Pedro were over, my dad was okay with it. I didn't tell them that he abused me I just told them that we thought about things and we just didn't love each other anymore and that it was best for both of us to just break up and go our separate ways. My father was upset I didn't tell him sooner and that I didn't come to stay with them.

I'm getting ready to go to my fathers office he called me and told me he needed me there. I walk into my closet and look for something to wear. I pick black pants and a black cropped button up. I quickly change. I put on a watch and a necklace my father gifted me when I was ten, it was a virgin of Guadalupe necklace, I never take it off, I then grab my purse. I move my closet shelf to reveal my safe which has money and guns, I grab a gun and put it inside my pants and cover it with the shirt, I then grab a knife and put it inside my heels. Nobody knows about my secret safe only my father. I lock it and push back the wardrobe. I look at my shoe collection and pick out black heels. I then head out.

As I drive, I stop at the red light and look around me for a second. I missed the feeling of driving to my fathers office to be in some mission or just to train, I missed the feeling of being free. It's crazy how one person can really fuck up your life, at the beginning they treat you like as if you are the only person alive but as the relationship goes forward they randomly stop caring about you, making you feel all this pain that you don't deserve. A honk makes me snap out of my thoughts, I look at the light and it's on green. After about an hour I finally get to my fathers building.

I stop at the gate and put my hand in front of the camera so I can be let in. The gate opens I head in and park at my spot. I step out grab my bag and my coffee and head in. I get into the elevator and press the number 14, my fathers office was the last floor.

As the elevator opens, I step out and walk towards my fathers office I knock on the door before going in. "Come in" I hear my fathers voice say. As I open the door to my surprise I see Pedro, Romeo and Lucas. I look at them, I only smile at Lucas and he gives me a smile back. "Have a seat" my father says. But the only seat available was in the middle of Romeo and Pedro. "Im good" i say. Lucas stands up and says "here sit here". "Are you sure" I ask him. He nods. I say "thank you" before sitting down, he stands next to me making sure I can't see Romeo or Pedro.

"So I'm guessing you're all wondering why I called you here, I called you because there's an important mission I need you to go on". "What's the mission about" Pedro asks. "Two months ago the Chinese mafia attacked our ship and stole all of our cargo and I need you four to retrieve it". My father said. "But why do us four need to go" Romeo asked.

"The wear house is being guarded by 30 men, and you four are my best options. Me and my assistant have come up with a plan Aurora I need you to be a spy you haven't been on a mission in years so it's perfect for you, I need you to go meet up with the leader today around 3am he'll be waiting for you,I'll send you the address. I need you to convince him you're no longer with us and that you want to be part of them, you'll work with them for days even months if you have to till their convinced you're no longer a part of our mafia, you will hack into a fake system we made and take money out, the money you will be taking out is all fake".

I simply nod. "This will help them convince them you two are no longer apart of our team". "You two" I ask. "Yes you and Lucas will be working together they know you two are the people I trust the most". "But they aren't gonna believe us everyone knows me and your daughter would never betray you" Lucas says. "They will because you betrayed me by getting my daughter pregnant". "What" me and Lucas say at the same time

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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