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"he injected self doubt into my veins
left me questioning my own sanity
at war with my own body everyday
trying everything to scrub your heavy
words off my skin."

Aurora Torres

Me and Fernando had reach my house by the time I had finished telling him everything that happened. I didn't give him details though. Romeo had left me hickeys on my chest, luckily Fer had some make up in the car so on the way here I covered them.

He was proud of me but I feel so bad about myself, I cheated on Pedro with a guy I had just met. I feel like such a bad girlfriend.

"Come on stop feeling so bad he deserves it for everything he's put you threw".

"But this wasn't the right thing to do".

"It was, I don't condone cheating but we both know he deserves it, he doesn't treat you like the queen you are".

Fernando was right he didn't treat me the best but that doesn't mean I had to cheat.


After a couple of minutes of Fernando trying to convince me what I did wasn't wrong I decided to agree with him because I was tired and just wanted to go to sleep, my body still felt pretty sore.

I hug Fer before stepping out of his car and walking slowly to the front door. Once I'm at the front door I hear Fer start his car and drive off. Before opening the door I have this bad feeling like as if something's gonna happen, it's probably nothing.

I open the door and step in, I turn around to close it, once I lock it I start walking heading up the stairs. I pause for a second and breath. "It's nothing you're just overwhelmed" I quietly whisper trying to get the feeling of nervousness that was filling up in my stomach. I open the door to me and Pedro's room, I step in looking for the switch on the wall to turn on the light.

As soon as the light illuminates the room, my blood goes cold. As I stare in shock, my hands slowly started shaking, my breathing started to get heavier. I stand there looking at Pedro staring at the wall his back faced to me, with a glass of whiskey in his hands shaking it making the ice hit the glass cup with every shake he did.

Tw: Domestic Violence⚠️

"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU" he said growling his body slowly turning to face me.

"I- I-" my body still frozen in shock, my heart skipping beats. I usually don't stutter but around Pedro I always did I was scared of him.

"Why are you dressed like that" he got up walking slowly towards me his loud footsteps echoing through the quite room.

"I- I went to Fernando's house to- to- spend some time watching a movie" my heart rate racing, bitting the inside of my lip as his face got closer to mine.

"You don't have to go dressed like that to his house, you also didn't ask me for permission" he grabbed my hair pulling it hard making my face lift up to meet his eyes. "So don't lie to me whore" before I could reply his hand rose and came down against my cheek.

I stumbled back a few steps, my eyes started watering, when I felt my face get lifted, and once again I met with his brown eyes that were filled with rage. Another slap came to my cheek again making me stare at the ground while tears ran down my face.

"If you wanna leave this house you need to ask for my permission, and you can not leave this house dressed like that" he said before he pushed me against the wall making my back hit the cold wall.

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