The Attack

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"keep the ones
who will be good
for your soul"

•Aurora Torres•

"I'm sorry he did what" I stated before bursting out laughing

"It's hard to believe but yes he shit himself when we were 5, but shhh don't tell him I told you". Dante said before bursting out laughing too

It had been over 20 minutes since Dante came we've been talking and laughing. He told me all about his mission and we some how ended up talking about Romeo shitting himself when he was 5.

I just kept laughing when Romeo walked in, he had stepped outside the room to answer a call.

"What's so funny?", Romeo looked at us both, while me and Dante shared a look trying not to laugh, "umm we were talking about penguins and the way they walk", Dante said.

Romeo was going to speak when we heard a gun shot. We all froze for a second. "Fuck" Dante said under his voice. "Dante what was that" Romeo turned to look at Dante. "I'm not a genius or anything but I'm pretty sure that was a gun shot". Romeo looked at Dante with an annoyed face. "Dante im being serious".

Dante gave Romeo a slight smile "so you see I may have forgotten to mention why I came here" I looked at Romeo who's face was serious "so Reyes the dude who owes you money" Dante turned to Romeo, and Romeo just nodded indicating him to continue "so he's part of the Castillo Mafia and apparently Reyes is Pedro Castillos step-brother and they want revenge because of the beating you gave Reyes, Also they might be on there way, well actually they might be already here".

I felt my heart drop to my stomach. My eyes widen when he mentioned Castillo Mafia. My heart started racing. No I have to leave if he comes and sees me here I'm dead.

I look at Romeo who was now staring at me. Then it hit me what Dante had just said "Wait step-brother?". I looked at Dante who just nodded. Nothing makes sense Pedro never told me he had a step-brother. "Are you sure" I looked at Dante. "Yeah, wait you know them", Dante replied. Before I could reply Romeo spoke for me "She's his girlfriend, she part of the Torres mafia". Dante's eyes widen "Hold up you're part of the Torres Mafia". I just nodded.

"So you're telling me we've talked for what twenty minutes and you're just telling me now that you are not just the daughter of the most evilest man alive but you're also the best assassin in the world and that you're married to someone who's aim is like his dick, it just curves down, that man can not shoot not even if his life depended on it, but at least we'll be fine"

I saw Romeo let out a slight smile before rapidly turning it into a serious face, I was going to speak when he cut me off. "Dating* they're not married yet" "and they won't ever be" he murmured under his breath. Before any of us could speak we heard two more gun shots. "Okay enough talking we have to get out of here" Romeo spoke in his deep husky voice with his Italian accent slipping off.

We all stood up following Romeo we quietly walked out of the room and towards the back. We walked down the lighted hallway doors on each side, women and man screams mixed with gun shots filling the place that's supposed to be a quiet and peaceful place. We reached the end of the long hallway at the end there was a emergency exit. Romeo opened the door for me and Dante. "Dante go with Aurora, I'll take care of this".

Dante nodded "if you need help call me we'll be around the corner". Romeo nodded Dante gave him a hug patting his back "Be careful". Romeo nodded. I walked up to him and gave him a hug, I felt his hard hands on my waist holding me tightly before letting me go. "Both of you be careful and take care of her Dante, Actually it's the other way around Aurora take care of him". I smiled "I will don't worry".

"Oh so both of you-" Dante went to speak but we heard another gun shot. "Go Now" Romeo spoke. We nodded as we walked away and we saw Romeo head back in.


"Would cereal be considered soup?". Dante stated before preceding to take a sip of his Gatorade. "Wait now you got me thinking" I stated taking a Dorito out of the bag and eating it. "Because it's a liquid and it has things in the milk". He stated grabbing a Dorito too.

We were sitting on the grass in a park that was about 10 minutes away from the library. We had bought chips and candy and a first aid kit in case Romeo had gotten hurt, it was like a picnic. It had been about one and a half hours since we left the library we hadn't heard anything from Romeo. I was starting to worry.

"Wait you might be right". I stated before looking to my left, my face lit up when I saw Romeo walking towards us. I instantly stood up and ran to him. He opened his arms to me and lifted me up. We heard Dante let out a sigh "god it's me again". We looked at him who's face was facing up to the sky. I laughed before jumping off, all nervous. Why did I do that.

His shirt was torn and he had bruises on his arm and one on his right eye. "Here come". I led him to where we had our picnic, he followed me and sat down, he started explaining what had happened while I helped him.

So apparently it was true Pedro did have a step-brother but I have so many questions and I can't just ask Pedro. "Did Pedro get hurt to?". Romeo just nodded "I have to go he might get home and I'm not there". They both just nodded.


We picked up everything and Dante was driving me home. We were about three minutes away. Romeo had fallen asleep in the back so me and Dante were basically whispering the whole way. We reached my house. "You have reached your destination your majesty" Dante said before getting off and opening the door for me. "Thank you sir". "No but seriously it bc was fun spending time with you" Dante smiled. "Thank you it was fun spending time with you too", I spoke.


I was in the dining room setting up the table when the door opened. I walked over to the door and saw Pedro walk in with his clothes normal, his wounds were already helped. He looked fine. "What happened babe" I walked up to him looking at his arms. He pushed me away "Nothing". He walked towards the table I had made him lasagna. He looked at it and through at me. "This shit is cold you can never do anything right".

Romeo and his AuroraWhere stories live. Discover now