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"I wonder if maybe,
in another time
or in another world;
we could try again."

•Romeo De Santis•

"So you're telling me you're letting go of Aurora because Chloe told you and because you want to be like those strong, heartless, stupid mafia guys." Dante was yelling at me as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm NOT letting her go because of Chloe, she's bad for me Dante and I'm bad for her, I don't love her she's just a slut I fuck".

"Ca-" he let out a sigh "she'd be so disappointed in you by the way you're treating Aurora, you made her happy and we all know she made you happy, you've slept with many but you've never taken any of them on a date especially to a library somewhere you can't even stand, you don't even take Chloe your own girlfriend on a date, you just wanna hide what you feel for her because of what happened with her but just fucking remember Aurora isn't her". He said before walking away, before opening the door he stopped and faced me, "oh and calling her a slut wont change the way you feel about her and the way she makes you feel". He said before walking out and slamming the door.

I let out a sigh and sat down, maybes he's right, and I just don't want what happened with her to happen with Aurora. I don't wanna feel that pain ever again.

A knock on the door made me forget about my thoughts. "Sir someone wants to see you". I sighed "let them come in". I looked at the door waiting for someone to come in. He slowly walked in. "Not you"

•Aurora Torres•

It was the next day I've been watching Netflix all day, I can't even go to the backyard. Pedro installed cameras all around the house, he luckily didn't put any in the bathroom. He wouldn't even let Fernando come into the house. I paused my show and got up taking my bowl filled with popcorn upstairs. I checked my phone and no text from Romeo. I would text him but no I want him to text me.

I sighed before letting myself fall into the bed. I put some music on and stared at the celling, when I suddenly got the urge to vomit. I stood up and ran to the bathroom, and started to vomit.

After I finished vomiting I brushed my teeth, I went and laid on my bed, I called Pedro to bring me some medicine from the pharmacy.

Romeo De Santis•

"What do you want Pedro" I stared at him. "I know you've been fucking my wife" he said before pulling one of my chairs and sitting down.

I smiled "don't act like you care because we both know you're just with her because of the power you can get".

"Maybe i am or maybe im not, but we both know that no matter how many times you fuck her she's always gonna choose me over you, so go ahead keep fucking her, I might go ahead and fuck Chloe and record it then I'll send it to you, so you can hear how she screams my name".

I chuckled "see that's where you're wrong I could easily tell her to come with me and she'll listen, she's in love with me not with you. You can't even make your own girlfriend scream the way I make her scream, so go ahead you might end up falling asleep on Chloe".

Before he could say anything his phone rang. "Okay what type of medicine do you need". I stared at him does Aurora need the medicine. "Okay anything else". "Okay go lay down or something". He stood up "i have to leave but I don't want you near my wife, next time Ill send my people after you and then rip your heart out". He said before walking out and slamming the door.

•Aurora Torres•

"Get some rest you need it and if you don't feel better by tomorrow we'll call the family doctor". I nodded, turning the light off he left the room. I stared at the purple colored celling. The things like this is what made me fall for him. He used to be so caring, but I guess time changed him.

Maybe one day that loving sweet boy I once fell in love with will come back and he'll love me the way he used to, maybe the guy who at some point cared about me will come back, but I doubt it, sometimes I feel like I'm never gonna see that version of him again and I hate that.

My phone ringing made me forget about my thoughts, it was Fernando.

Me and Fernando talked for about an hour and he mentioned I might be pregnant, it's been like 2 weeks since Pedro and me did it and he didn't pull out or use protection.

Fernando said he was gonna come over tomorrow to drop off a pregnancy test.

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